I picked it up and studied your expression, you're so happy here with your cheek pressed against that of your best friends.

Did you know she would betray you for popularity eventually?

Your smile is so sincere and something tugs at my non existent heart as I hear Aurora's laughter in the markets. It makes me wonder what your laughter sounds like.

The door clicks behind me and I turned around to see you. You are standing there awkwardly, not knowing what to do with yourself and your hands are fidgety. You look self conscious, as if you don't realize you are the most beautiful thing in the world and for some reason my brain stops, my breathing falters and I freeze.

You clear your throat and it breaks the spell around us. My mind comes back to me and I'm suddenly wondering what the hell just happened.

"You're so beautiful Rosalie, especially when I saw you." My mouth clammed shut as I realized I nearly slipped up and exposed that I have been watching you for much longer than you know. I want to curse at myself for being so stupid.

I took a deep breath and then fell back into predator mode. It's easy to drag you outside and into the Mercedes I hijacked on the way here. The ride in the car is peaceful, to me at least, your hands are fidgety as usual and I can't help but force mine through them. You're fingers against mine fits like a glove Rosalie, I can feel you're heart quicken at my touch and then it calms down just as quickly.. 

We reach Rendezvous, the crappy, rundown bar your father chose for his literal rendezvous with his mistress. I mean seriously, Rosalie? I thought he used to be a writer, shouldn't he at least be a bit more creative with his choices of venue?

You got down and eyed the place in the way I expected you to - eyes narrowed in disbelief and face scrunched up in disgust - and as I lead you inside, a small part of me actually felt sorry for you. It sucks that your father is cheating on your mother with this wannabe author who looks like she lives on cigarettes and laxatives. 

The night is young and you surprised me by agreeing to this silly game of Truth or Touch I came up with on a whim. The bartender offers us our drinks and it amuses me that you were jealous of her ogling me. 

You claim to hate me Rosalie but sometimes I think it might just be the opposite. That is until I get slapped and damn that hurt, not physically but my ego definitely took a hit. No girl has ever slapped me like that in years and I'm not sure if I liked it or hated it.

You've got guts Rosalie, I'll give you that but your answer about Harry angers me even more than your slap. I already know everything so why do you have to lie about him? I can already tell that you are going to bring him to this very bar just to prove my existence but guess what sweetheart, all the junkies here aren't regulars and the girl by the bar is a vampire like myself. She's not going to rat on me unless she wants to die.

"Did you plant a fork in my bedroom?" Your words were small and timid just like you but this question caught me off guard because I don't recall planting any forks in your room, let alone your house. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about. As you can see my diet doesn't really require cutlery." 

You stared at me completely dumbfounded and I try to act nonchalant but truth be told Rosalie, inside I am shaking because if I didn't place that fork in your room then it can only mean one thing.

The council has been monitoring us and they got involved. Idiots, why couldn't they just let me be?

Thankfully the door bell rang and I heard your father's voice. That Daisy lady's shrill laughter fills the room and damn she's annoying. I finally leaned back in anticipation and the expression on your face makes me feel like I'm watching a movie.

"I'm presuming this will be the last question for the night so here it goes. Did you know that your father is cheating on your mother, Rosalie"

I felt like the biggest asshole as I stared at you staring at your father and you're literally shaking and I just have to hold you before you shatter into pieces but let's be honest here, your dad is the real biggest asshole in the room. 

He's like a barnacle latched on to that woman who has the kind of laughter that could make you want to tear off your ears. 

You look like you're going to cry and then you start blaming me, though I can't really blame you because hey, I'm the only one here to receive the brunt of your frustrations and I want you to take it out on me. 

I want you to hit me, or shout at me or whatever it is you need to do because you obviously need it but then you say the oddest thing. You want to follow them. You surprise me everyday, Rosalie and right now you want to spy on your father and this side of you  kind of reminds me of myself.

I guess it's perfect that I brought your old camera with us because a few pictures couldn't hurt right? It's so easy to plant the idea into your head with your current fragile state of mind and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy snooping around with you. 

You're adorable, Rosalie. The way you squint your eyes into the window and shuffle around because your drunk. Why did you have to drink so much whiskey?

I'm leaning against you, feeling your warmth and the steady beating of your heart. It feels good despite the terrible view of your father kissing that gaunt chick. You catch me off guard when you whip around and kiss me firmly on the lips.

Fuck Rosalie, I didn't expect that and I didn't expect to feel the warmth in your lips and the taste of whiskey on your tongue and it's too addictive, I don't want to stop. 

But you do and I have to literally take a breath. 

"What the fuck was that?" I just have to ask because why the hell would you want to kiss me? I'm a heartless, miserable creature who harasses you because I have nothing better to do with my life and you know I'm horrible, so why?

"I don't know. I just lost control for a moment." These words would play in my head for the rest of eternity, God dammit and now I want to kiss you again.

"You need to lose control more often," I lean in and inhale your addictive scent but you're back to your no nonsense mode. If I wasn't a vampire you'd give me whiplash.

The rest of the night plays out predictably, you vomited which was a given after you drank so much and we ended up in your room, where I ended up in your bed with your face buried in my chest.

I hated having to leave you, Rosalie but you have school and a big day ahead of you. My thoughts are plagued by you the whole way home and even as I'm lying on my bed waiting for the morning sun to burn my skin all I can think of is you and the way you stared at me after we kissed. A kiss you initiated out of your own free will.

The brown in your eyes were so dark, it reminds me of fire before it turns to ash and here I am burning in your gaze and suddenly it's too much. You are too much and somehow not enough.

And for the first time in seven hundred years, that night I don't think about Aurora or hear her laughter. The smell of death or the burning wood from the ship doesn't flood my nostrils but instead I think of you, I see you Rosalie and I feel your lips on mine and I know I don't deserve it but you've made me feel things. Things I've never felt in a long time.

This is Zayn's pov from the chapters Truth or Touch, Caught in a Lie and Tempted to Touch. 

Sorryy for the long wait. I've finished another story I was working on, so now I will be fully focused on this till it's finished :) :) Btw did anyone hear Zayn's new song?

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