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I walked into the brightly lit room and stood in the middle. A small projection drifted down from the ceiling until it was eye level with me and I stared confidently into it.

A sharp yellow light emitted from it temporarily blinding me and I had to blink a few times to regain my vision.

"Welcome back Sir." The projection spoke in a mechanical voice. A programming that was designed to say the same thing to everyone of us.

The wall in front of me slowly slid to the side and I walked through. There were many faces I knew, each one giving me a hesitant "hello" and the ones I didn't know just stared. They'd all heard about me and my stint with my latest victim. I scoffed to myself softly, this was probably the best gossip they've had since Marcus tried to kill himself and had to be put back together.

The council was not happy. I had expected that outcome from the moment I realized I couldn't kill her. She was a loose end and she had been exposed to me, which meant she had been exposed to our kind. And the council took things like these very seriously.

But I had managed to twist the whole thing around and make it a "win win" situation for the both of us. I pretend to die, get buried and disappear and she gets to live even though it has to be in a mental institution.

The fact that the whole plan worked out perfectly had been pure luck. She had followed my every demand to the letter and the council had had no choice but to accept that my plan had worked without interfering.

That had not only surprised the council but the other vampires here as well. No one had thought of such a thing or had the audacity to carry out such a public and risky plan. The truth was vampires got attached to their assigned victims all the time. It was hard not too. They spend most of their time stalking them in the beginning and then they interact with them if they choose to, like I did. However, most of them end up killing their victims anyway for fear of the repercussions.

There was only one vampire who ever dared to refuse the council. She was locked in a cell with the victim she had fallen in love with and they were both starved until she finally gave in. That didn't end well and no one dared follow suit.

Except me, but I have always been very creative. In fact it was I who had proposed the idea of targeting victims with history of mental illnesses instead of just dying patients in hospitals. There was no fun hunting someone who was already dying but tell a sane person that they were crazy and watch them believe it?

I lived for moments like those and the council had been more than happy to incorporate my ideas into our feeding methods, most of them bored of drinking blood from cancer patients in hospitals, blood bags or patients who had just died in the mortuaries.

The chase gave all of us something to be excited about. Vampires were excited when their turns came and they were given physically healthy victims with possible mental illnesses to play around with.

My idea had spawned a thrill among st us otherwise dead creatures and that was probably the only reason why the council had allowed me to carry out my plan in keeping my victim alive.

My hands shook slightly at the thought of her. I became attached and that was the worst thing a vampire could do. By the time I realized she was going to be trouble I was hooked and I was too selfish to pull out and let someone else replace me.

I wanted to be the one who held her, teased her, and taunted her. The look in her eyes when she stared at me with such anger or desire gave me a high like nothing ever has.

Even now as I walked past numerous vampires who were quite obviously jealous of my escape, all I could think of was her face, her laugh, her thick long brown hair.

Love Bites *Sequel to Insanity Bites*Where stories live. Discover now