Chapter 7: Up In The Air

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We walked out swiftly and I didn't dare to turn around and look back at the diner. I was sure that by now the entire restaurant would be aware that a so called murderer/criminally insane person had been in their midst and if I wasn't so afraid I would have laughed at how wrong they were.

I watched Zayn's shiny new blonde head disappear as he ducked into the car swiftly and turned on the engine.

I rushed in after him not feeling at ease at how he was so obviously rushing because that could only mean one thing.

That the vampires hunting us weren't far away and I wondered how much time that gave us.

I buckled my seat belt quickly and Zayn sighed in frustration as Harry stumbled in clumsily whilst juggling all our packed food in his hands.

"Do you know how near they are?" I whispered fearfully as Zayn pulled out of the diner's driveway and sped onto the narrow open road.

"I can't really tell. But I can hear bits of their conversations. That would be less than a mile radius," Zayn whispered as he clutched the steering wheel like his life depended on it.

Seeing him like this made me feel sick to my stomach. Aside from the encounter in the mental facility I was placed in, I have never seen Zayn this afraid. I was too used to his smug, over confident expressions that he always wore with ease.

I used to want to slap those off his face whenever he teased and taunted me, making me wonder if he was real or a hallucination.

Now I hated to admit but I actually missed that face of his.

"I think we'd better not speak for now," He said in a low voice.

I bit my lip and stared out at the open road before us. As far as I knew we were heading south towards the state border. That would be hours away and between then and now we were stuck between large open fields and the occasional small towns between.

It barely felt like we left Riverton. We couldn't be anywhere near the more southern towns like Mandurah or Busselton.

I mentally prayed that we would reach a small town soon. It would be much easier to hide there than here on an empty road between two vast pieces of land.

A loud chewing sound caused me to jump in my seat and both Zayn and I turned around to look at Harry who had a bundle of fries stuffed in his mouth.

He stared at us with wide eyes and held the carton of chips out for me to take.

"For the love of God could you be any louder?" Zayn sighed.

"What?? I know you may not realize this but we still need to eat. Unlike you, bloodsucker," Harry scoffed as he scarfed down half of his burger.

Zayn shot Harry a deathly look from the rear view mirror. "Rosalie, you should eat a bit too, before he finishes everything."

"Excuse me, you're one to talk about self-control," Harry shot back angrily.

"Guys be quiet," I nagged suddenly feeling irritated with the both of them.

I took the carton of chips and placed a few into my mouth. I chewed them slowly, trying to keep everything down. I couldn't help the fear induced nausea that made my stomach feel like a churning bowl of acid.

"Fuck," Zayn muttered so silently, I almost missed it.

My stomach lurched and I looked around to see no one behind us but Zayn picked up speed immediately.

Harry stopped eating and we both began to look around us but I couldn't see anything.

Zayn practically flew across the highway at a speed that was unnatural for the car we were in. It rattled and I shook in my seat, wondering what was going to happen next.

Love Bites *Sequel to Insanity Bites*Where stories live. Discover now