Chapter 3: Three's A Crowd

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I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself but it was of no use. If my heart wasn't already beating fast enough, the car swerving to the right and missing a large tree by barely an inch was enough to do the trick.

"Zayn, who are these people?" I whispered and cast him a wary glance when he didn't respond.

Zayn's dark eyebrows were knitted in a deep frown as he kept his eyes focused on the winding pathway ahead and the dark jeep that had gotten closer.

I sat up straighter and focused on the rear view mirror. The jeep was so close, much to close for comfort.

My body jerked forward violently and thankfully the seat belt pulled me back or I would have smashed into the windshield. I gasped for air and clutched the seat I was in tightly. The jeep had hit us and suddenly the person who had been shouting from the boot fell silent.

"You, okay?" Zayn asked.

I gritted my teeth and shook my head. How could anyone be 'okay' in a situation like this?

The car jerked again, this time more violently. They were pushing us further away from the centre of the road and closer to the trees. My heart leapt to my throat when I saw a huge concrete wall about a yard away. We were going to crash into it if we carried on like this.

And then it dawned on me like a cold bucket of water thrown over already freezing skin. They were going to kill us.

My body shook fervently and I looked around for any possible route of escape. The jeep was next to us now, stirring us towards our deaths. I could see Zayn fighting to keep us on the road but we had already swerved and getting back to the centre was impossible with the jeep in our way.

My eyes were as wide as saucers as I scanned the trees looking for a clearance wide enough. There wasn't any that would fit a car but a few people, definitely.

I remained silent, wary of vampire heightened senses. If I spoke out loud there was a possibility whoever was in the jeep would hear us.

Instead I pulled Zayn's sleeve and made him face me for a moment.

He was struggling to keep the car from hurtling off into the trees and I had to shake him hard to make him concentrate on me. He cast me a deep frown which I ignored easily. I gestured to the small clearing just a few feet in front of the concrete wall we were heading towards and pointed at myself, him and whoever it was in the boot. Zayn looked confused for a moment and then his eyes widened in understanding.

He nodded towards the wheel, gesturing for me to hold it and I wrapped my hands around it tightly.

What happened next felt like a lifetime wrapped in a few seconds of eternity. It was obvious I was much weaker than Zayn. Once he let go of the wheel the jeep drove into us easily and the car hurtled towards the concrete wall.

It felt like my life flashed in front of me as a sea of grey flooded my vision. The wall was so close I knew in that moment we were never going to make it.

When I saw Zayn return with a body over his shoulder, I pushed the door open, feeling a gust of wind hit me with the reality that we were out of time. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact.

The sound of metal screeching against cold hard cement grated my ears and I clenched my teeth expecting to be broken into pieces. The noise amplified into an explosion but the pain never came.

I opened my eyes in disbelief. Was I dead already? My body jerked forwards and then backwards and it felt like I was flying as cold wind hit my face.

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