Chapter 14: The Heart Wants What it Wants

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In just the span of a few minutes Zayn's skin had turned an even darker shade of grey. His head lolled against the backseat of the car as Arlo sped off along the highway, putting some distance between us and our assailants. 

My heart was beating furiously against my ribcage, I was sure the vampires in the car could hear every thump. My fingers were interlaced tightly with Zayn's but then I felt them go slack in my hold. 

I looked down at his hand to see his fingers go limp and then his eyes shut. He laid back against the black leather seat and I could see light green veins stretching from his shirt collar, running up his neck and spreading across his face. 

Tears of panic filled my vision and I gripped his hand harder as I tried to shake him. "Zayn, stay with me please." 

Kayla sat in the front seat but she had turned around to look at him worriedly. "How much further do we have to go?" She asked Arlo. 

"Nearly there," He replied and I could feel the tension resounding from his tight voice. 

He drove us into a desolate looking town with abandoned shop lots and an empty gas station. I ran my thumb across Zayn's palm, wanting to twirl my fingers like I usually did when I was nervous but I was too afraid to let go. 

We passed by another row of shop lots before turning down a narrow path almost obscured by a thick foliage of trees. I would have missed it if we not had driven here. As we drove deeper, the sky darkened under the ceiling of leaves and the shadows surrounding us stretched out into the distance.

I would have been afraid had I not been so preoccupied with Zayn. 

The last thing I expected to see at the end of this path was a faded church with vines covering almost all of the walls. 

Arlo took a turn and the wall by the side of the church slid up as if expecting us. 

"A church? Seriously?" Harry asked and Kayla gave him a wry smile. 

"The last placed you would expect a vampire to hide in."

I suppose she did make a point but I remember reading about vampires diligently during the times Zayn had been harassing me. Weren't they not allowed in churches?

"How is that possible?" I muttered absent mindedly and Kayla heard.

"Possible for vampires to go in a church? We aren't actually allowed in one but this one's abandoned. There hasn't been a service here in decades."

We parked in a small empty room and Arlo immediately rushed to get Zayn out. The moment his hand slipped out of mine I felt an emptiness so strong and a sharp stab of worry in the gut. 

It honestly felt like physical pain as I stumbled out of the car after them but the vampires were too fast for me. Zayn was already whisked away to receive treatment.

Something tugged at my arm, pulling me back and to my senses. I turned to see Harry looking at me with something like worry and hurt etched over his face. 

I stood up straight and cleared my throat not wanting to show how much of a mess I currently was inside. I knew Harry already hated Zayn because of the way he had tormented me and he already knew what I felt for Zayn. 

I realised I didn't want to show just how affected I was, especially not to him. 

"Rosalie, let them help him. We can't do much," Harry said, his voice terse. He pulled me back slowly and it was only then that I remembered Dr. Edward was with us He was standing next to Harry and the resemblance was almost uncanny. 

"Thank you for saving me. All of you," Harry's father finally spoke and I noticed Harry stiffen. 

It looked like they had a lot to talk about and it was something Harry needed to do alone. I didn't want him worrying about me right now when his father was finally here with him.

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