Chapter 1: A Bloody Reunion

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I'd always wondered what peace and serenity really felt like. Being here gave me a lot of time to think. We had reflection time, group discussions to focus our thoughts and of course the majority of the time spent alone in a colorless room.

I mean would it kill to put up one picture in here. 

Sometimes the white drove me mad. However, today it gave me peace. At least there was some sort of continuity to it. 

I lay in bed and stared at the light in the ceiling. Even the lights were white. 

Everything here was in Zayn's favorite color. It was funny how he would always be the first thing on my mind when I woke up and the last thing before I escaped to dreamland. 

At first, every thought of him felt like a knife poking at my chest. A sharp and painful reminder that he was dead and it was by my hand. Then came the doubts. They were the absolute worst. I spent every second anticipating that he would appear out of thin air and laugh at me, telling me it was all just some big joke.

He was cruel like that and I wouldn't put it past him. 

But then a week went by and it slowly began to dawn on me that he might actually be gone and that I might have killed an innocent person. The realization was pure torture. I would scream and cry like a maniac and the nurses had to force a needle into my arm every time to put me to sleep. 

That went on continuously for about two days until I had finally exhausted myself to the point where I had no more energy left to cry.

They must have increased the dosage of my daily medication because today I felt like I was floating on a cloud. 

My body felt light and unburdened. My breaths were even and my heart wasn't beating like a it was running a race. 

I had done the right thing. Deep down I knew that. My thoughts went back to that day in the court room when I had seen Harry sitting in the back row. Even from a distance I could make out that his deep green eyes were filled with worry for me. 

He had always cared about me regardless of the situation. I remembered how the sunlight had shone through the windows that day and illuminated the back row. His long brown hair had glowed against the burst of light making it look like there was a halo around his head.

Just like an angel. My angel.

My lips curved into a lazy smile as I thought about how close we had become in the last few weeks. 

 I had saved his life. It didn't matter if Zayn was real or not. The point was I wasn't going to take my chances on someone so important.

So what if everyone called me a crazy murderer. In my heart I knew I had done the right thing.

There was a loud knock on my door and a nurse came in holding a glass of water and some pills.

I eyed them hungrily. The effects were wearing off and my chest had begun to feel heavy again. I didn't want to think of Zayn any longer because it only made the pain worse, and the guilt. 

I stood up quickly and rushed to her. I then grabbed the pills and swallowed them with the water she had brought with her.

It was a younger nurse today and she jumped back when my hand brushed against hers. I wanted to laugh at the way she had recoiled and stared at me cautiously, like I was a highly contagious flesh eating virus. 

Oh right, she thought I was a murderer. Everyone here did and honestly whether I was or not didn't make a difference to me. 

The only thing that mattered was that Harry was alive. 

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