5| PASS: Perfume, Alcohol, Sweat and Sex 🌶🌶🌶

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Hi! It's a cuddle weather so let's bring out the chapters with sili, lol. If you're pleased with what you're reading, don't forget to hit the star and drop your comments. Thanks. 

Levin and I ended up in a four-star hotel in Sta. Rosa with the Vergara couples. We might stay the night here because my husband is busy drinking with Nexus at the bar of this hotel. I already called my brother to ask how they are and he said that Stan is already sleeping beside Selene, and assured me once again that there's nothing I should worry about.

I am enjoying a glass of wine with Sarah by the pool side. A glass or two once in a while won't affect my breastfeeding.

"I'm glad to see that your marriage is working out," Sarah said with a gentle smile. She took a graceful sip from her glass then stare blankly in front of her. "I worried for nothing."

The reason behind my marriage is not a secret. And Sarah is one of my closest friend. We don't see each other often but we can always get back where we left every time we meet, like there's no lapse between each conversations. I even called her the night before my wedding, which was as simple as a business meeting, and she told me that I should do what I think was right and she'll have my back no matter what happen.

"Yeah." I sighed. "Levin is everything you could ask for a husband." I smiled. "It's actually all because of him. He made big leaps to meet ends with me. Minsan nga, natatakot na ako," I admitted.

I got Sarah's full attention. She gave me a curious stare.

I let out a pained smile. "I am scared that there will be a day that he'll realize I am not good enough for him," I breathed. I threw my head back until I am looking at the dull sky above us. "As out of character as it may sounds, but I am starting to be dependent on him. I don't know how a day would pass without him in it. In every single step, he's beside me. I don't know myself anymore if not with him," I sobbed.

I don't know why I suddenly became melodramatic. Maybe this is the postpartum depression everybody warned me about.

"It's normal for us women to be dependent on our husbands after giving birth. It's not being out of character, Tri," Sarah gently said then reached for my hand to give it a tight squeeze. "Let him know you. And try to know him more as well."

I exchange serious gaze with her.

Sarah sighed then her face fell. "Minsan, mas mabuti pa 'yong ganyan na hindi mo masyadong kilala ang asawa mo. You have tons of things to discover with each other. And everyday is an exploration. Alam mo 'yong... as you know each other more, the deeper your relationship as husband and wife would be." Sarah shrugged her shoulders. "It will deepen the bond and understanding with each other. Unconsciously, you'll rediscover yourself while trying to bare it to him." At tear fell on her face but she was quick to wipe it away.

"Are you alright?" I asked. I worriedly caressed her back.

"Yeah," she replied with a forced smile.

After three seconds of looking at each others eyes, her defenses crumbled. Her shoulder shook as she tried to hold her sobs.

"Actually, no..." Sarah sobbed. "My marriage..." She cried hard enough that I have to settle my glass on the side to give her a comforting hug. "Tri, I think my marriage is falling apart."

I rubbed her back. Sarah hugged me as if her life depended on it. I want to say that they look fine to me but I know that staying quiet will mean much more for her. She needs a listener, not an adviser.

"He thinks we're fine, but it's far from what I am feeling," Sarah cried.

"Tell me what happened, hun," I encouraged her.

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