Boo thing

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Louis' POV


Waking up pressed between two giant Alphas was both the highlight of my mornings, and the bane of my bladder. I never got cold at night with these two human heaters snuggled on either side of me, plus my inner omega was rather pleased and sated with their scents surrounding me while I slept.

But when I wake up the first thing I have to do is pee.

And these two vice-grip having knucklehead brothers hate letting me go in their sleep. When I try to disentangle myself they just squeeze tighter like that'll make my pee go away.

It does the opposite if you're wondering.

So I have no choice but to wake them up because there's literally no way I can escape on my own.

"Alphas. Let me go, I need to go to the bathroom." I shook the both of them.

The whole process takes a few minutes seeing as they sleep like logs.

Eventually, they do let me go, but while I'm in the bathroom they never go back to sleep. They stay awake, looking disgruntled as ever, until I return to bed. Then we cuddle and drift back to sleep until one of their blasted alarms starts screaming and then I have no choice but to wake up because after doing this for two weeks, my body has adjusted to their schedules.

I asked to stay the night with Edward and Marcel two weeks ago and I have yet to return home. Thaleia was of course not happy about it because she misses me, and I miss her too, but she was also happy that I was "finally getting my cherry popped". Little does she know we haven't had sex yet.

We all decided that Harry should be here for that.

We wasted no time on the making-out front though. There had been many snogging sessions.

"It's time to take your medicine, Angel," Marcel spoke as the three of us ate breakfast. Carlie made me a bowl of oatmeal with a side of fruit while Edward and Marcel were served breakfast for three, each.

"Okay," I said as I finished off the last of my fruit before standing up to go put my dishes in the sink. Just as I began to reach for the dish soap Jeanie, one of the maids, came up behind me.

"I've told you that you don't have to do that, Mr.Tomlinson. That's my job." She smiled sweetly. Their staff was always so nice.

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