Secure the fuckin' bag

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"So let me get this straight. There is not two of you gorgeous alphas, but three? Kill me now. I was barely keeping up before." I pinched the bridge of my nose. This was not expected at all to say the least.

Mr. Styles, on the other hand, seemed quite amused.

"Yes, sweet omega. We are triplets." He said ever so smugly.

"You know what, this isn't what I came here for. Let's save this discussion for later, yes?" I proposed. We need to get back on the topic of business because my brain was having a field day with this right now. The three alphas I've met recently all happened to have the same face, yet very different personalities. Harry was very playful and carefree, Marcel was quite serious and brainy, and Edward was serious as well but also more flirtatious and not to mention he could probably make me, of all omegas, behave with one look.

"Promise?" He quirked an eyebrow.

"Promise what?"

"That we'll talk more later?" The green eyes alpha looked deep into my eyes, making me think that he only added the questioning tone for formal purposes and that he really wasn't asking at all. More so telling me that we'd talk later, and not about business.

"I-... uh sure." I said unsure of my own answer, and surely Mr.Styles picked up on that as well.

"Sure?" He tilted his head to the right ever so slightly. "Yes, I mean." I corrected myself, knowing that "sure" was not the answer he wanted. Since when do I give a fuck what an alpha wants? I need to wrap this up ASAP because bad bitch Louis was turning into sad bitch Louis.

"Great. As my COO informed me, you two have been communicating via email about you investing in Styles Enterprises." He gestures to a seat at the table obviously meant for meetings. The COO was already seated at the table, and I took the cue for me to take a seat as well. Mr. Styles sat directly next to me.


"Yes that's right." I confirm.

"Have you ever invested money anywhere before?"

"No. This would be my first time."

"Thought so. Well we-"

"Why? Because I'm an omega?" I cut him off. Figures he had to be a dick like all the other big headed CEO assholes I've met while working at The Zoo.

"No. You simply didn't strike me as the type. Not because of your being an omega, but because most investors send their secretaries or whomever to do this boring meeting stuff for them. I have many omega business partners if that's what you're worries about." Mr.Styles replied with a steadily calm voice.

Way to be a bitch Louis.

"Oh." I say.

"No apology?" He quirks his eyebrow, yet again. It must be a habit of his.

"I'll cut off my own pinkie before I kiss any alpha's ass." I huffed my chest like I always do when talking to alpha males. They always think they can walk all over me, but jokes on them. Right idea, wrong bitch.

The COO tries to hide his laugh by clearing his throat but it fails miserably.

"It seems you need to be taught some manners, little one." Comes the amused, yet still steadily calm voice.

"You can take those manners and shove them up your-"

"Alright so, we have a team of guys who will walk you through the steps of becoming an investor in the company. We will have them email you after the meeting and you'll be able to tell they're one of us by the '' email address. Now I'd like you to direct your attention to these stats I've had drawn up for you, updated this morning." The COO interrupted and slid an open binder across the table and began to points at various things while explaining.

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