Mom: Listen baby!!! You just go to your room and have some rest first.  We'll talk about it later.

Me: Onething you should both know that no matter what you can't convince me to leave him ok. I can't break up with him ever. I'll die without him.

Me: And one more thing Mom n dad, just because I'm gay that doesn't mean I'm not your lovely son anymore.

With that I just left for my bedroom. When I enetered my room,I thrashed my bag on my side and fall face first on my bed. Then I just grabbed my phone from my pocket and started searching my most favourite photo of ours.

It was someday after his bday

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

It was someday after his bday. Actually Mild insisted us to do a merit there and took the initiative to convince all of us. It was Wat who took this pic which is very close to my heart among others. We were both happy in our own world. We actually loved that day.

I don't know how much I cried just looking at the photo but I must have slept the whole day. Because when I woke up it was dark outside. I checked my phone and almost felt guilty for keeping it in silent mode. I had 50 missedcalls from everyone from which 40 one's were only from Mew. He must have been worried. I checked further and there were atleast 100 msgs of him. Instead of messaging him, I called him right away.

Mew:Baby?????Are you alright??? Why is your room  dark in this time of the evening?? Are you alright love??

Mew:Please Say something baby!!! I'm dying outside your room??

Me:You are here??

Mew:Come to your window please.

I stumbled out of my bed and went beside the window before switching on the lights.

He was there inside a car. And I could tell Wat was also there. He must have been freaked out as I didn't call him for even once the whole day which I promised to.

Tears started running down my cheecks again. I don't know how did I have those after crying so much. My eyes were already burning and I was sensing a severe headache.

Mew:Baby!!! Please calm down. Please atleast for me wipe your tears and stop shedding more. Please baby I'm begging you.

I could feel his voice is trembling already. He might also be crying. Thinking about him crying, more tears started coming through my cheeks. We cried on the phone looking at each other from such a distance. After a while we both calmed down and I told him only onething that came into my mind in that very moment.

Me: I love you beyond my life Mew. Please don't let them break us apart. Please.

Mew:Nobody will do such thing. I'll talk to them about us ok. I'll convince them to accept us ok. And If by any chance after trying my hard they don't accept us, then I'm sorry to say baby it's their loss. No matter what remember the only thing that I tell you everyday that I'll always be by your side ok.

Mew:Now listen another thing baby. Go fresh up and have some dinner and then please have some rest ok. We'll talk about it tomorrow ok. Don't worry I'll be here the first thing you see in the morning ok??

Me: Ok. But promise me you'll go home and have rest as well.

Mew:Ok. But please at anypoint you think of calling me just call me right away baby!! Please???


With that I hang up the call. I went to the washroom and freshened up. Then I headed downstairs to have dinner. Everyone was actually sitting on the the dining table and were having dinner quietly. When I reached, Mom just stared at me for a good few seconds may be startled by my wrecked face with puffy eyes and then looked away.

My dad also looked at me. But his eyes were looking more concerning than the angry one's before.

Only Winne told me to have dinner. I was too tired to deal with my emotions and just ate as I promised to my love.

After dinner my parents stopped me to have a conversation but I told them that I would talk to them in the next morning as I was very tired and wanted some sleep. They didn't insisted much to my relief and I practically signed off to my bed.

The first thing I did was I went to the window to check whether Mew is still there or not!!

Thankfully his car wasn't there.

I closed my curtains and went to my bed. I dialled Mew's number and he recieved in first few rings not much to my amazement.

Mew:Baby!!! Are you okay love??

Me:Yeah!!! I'm fine. As you told me,  I ate my dinner and went to bed and see I called you also.

Mew:You have no idea how much I was dying to hear this tone of yours. Now I can be assured.

Me: I'm sorry Mew. M so so so sorry. I made you worried.

Mew: Stop apologing baby. It was my fault baby.  I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you were crying. I'm sorry I couldn't be there when your parents scolded. I couldn't be there to soothe you and calm you down,when you were all alone in your room. I'm sorry I couldn't keep you happy.

Me:Don't apologize for the mistakes you didn't do.

Me: I love you so much baby. Will they ever accept us??

Mew:Ofcourse baby. I told you,I'll convince them. I'll try my best. But for now just go to sleep and don't think about anything else.

And just with that my eyes slowly started closing on their own asif all they were waiting for Mew's order.


Hey guys!!!

So how many of you guys guessed his parents will be a problem??

How is the chapter??

How many of you are from thailand and have the opportunity to see mewgulf with your own eyes??

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