The confession day...

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It's been 5 months ever since you've went to South Park elementary, you've been friends with Kyle for about 5 months now that, for some reason when you both walk together, a few girls start giggling, GEE I FUCKING WONDER WHY 🙃. But that didn't matter

Today was the day... today was the day you were gonna tell him how you really feel, and you were finally gonna speak up... you put a note in Kyle's locker before class starts 👀... after that the bell rings and it was time for class bro-

(After 1 hour of fucking boredom)

You go to your locker, and notice that Kyle reads the note, you get your backpack and quickly run to the back of the school
After you both got to the back of the school

"Hey, Y/N, why'd you ask me to meet you here.."
Kyle asked

You couldn't fucking take it anymore so you just say "I like you okay!" You say

He starts blushing..

"Well, Y/N, to be honest... I-I have feelings for you too!"

You were so happy, you were first scared that he was finna roast you like a barbecue steak, but he accepted it 😍👍🏾
He then grabs your hand and you both walk home to vibe and watch anime for the rest of the night😭👏🏾

And if you were wondering about cartman... that mother fucker is still unconscious 😂😂😂😂

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