Talk to the weirdass heroes

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"who the fuck are you"? Ca- ahem, sorry I mean the coon says. You say nothing because you can't fucking talk, where you paying attention?

"Ah, so you're giving us the silent treatment huh?, not cool man, not cool" the coon says.

You don't say anything to roast him back, "look kid if you think that you're to cool for us than you can just fuck right off!"

The coon shouts. You're still giving him the silent treatment because you're a savage "yeah!" Says tool shed

"Look guys, we don't know if this kid has had a traumatic experience that they just can't talk!" Says the human kite,

"oh yeah sure! Use THAT excuse to defend your new little crush Kahl!" Says the coon.

You're thinking about how hard you want to punch that fucking fatass because he pisses you so fucking much, but u decide not to because your a pretty chill person. "They aren't my crush!" Human kite says.
"And besides! We just met them!". You are so confused right now... "oh yeah sure!, go ahead yeah! Lie about that sure!" The coon says. "Guys let's just leave this kid alone, I mean, they've probably gone through stuff already!" Says tool shed.

You decide to leave because that interaction was pointless as fuck, oh great. How are you gonna make friends now? You go to your room to process what the hell just happened, who were those guys? We're they furries? No no no, furries are cool, those guys were just weird as fuck. You decide to go on your laptop and log on Twitter to see more MAPs trying to be accepted to the LGBT community, you could either, 1. Reply to them to roast the shit out of the or 2.ignore them because they're a bunch of 4chan virgins with no life at all.

Roast the shit out of a bunch of pedophiles on Twitter?
[YES]   [NO]

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