New kid at school...

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Today was your first day at school.... time to suffer I guess, you pick the outfit you decided to wear to school today, not gonna lie bro, it looks pretty awesome! Great choice dude!

You pick up your backpack and your mom/dad say goodbye as you head outside.

You walk to school until you bump into someone! "Hey, watch where you're going!" The unknown voice says.

You get up and help the boy with the red hair up and pick up his hat, you want to apologize but you can't really talk so instead you bow to apologize to them, and you give the redhead his hat,

you start walking fast due to the embarrassment.
Your face is red because you are very embarrassed! What are people gonna think??

"Wait!" The kid with the green hat says. You turn around and tilt your head, he then runs up to you to ask you something, "do you want to, you know.., walk together?" He asks. Wow! A pretty hard to decide, what are ya gonna pick?

Are you gonna walk with the boy?
[YES]  [NO]

Kyle x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora