f o u r t e e n | please don't say goodbye

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the next few days were really hard. you and tommy went on your last few dates, and he helped you pack your bags.

you both stood in the doorway of your now empty room with the exception of your bed which would be packed when you woke up. the time read 6:47 pm, and you left first thing in the morning.

"hey, let's go to my house, okay? we can pretend none of this is happening. just spend time together." he suggested. you grabbed his hand and smiled and began walking to his house.

you walked up to his room and sat on his bed.

"hey, maybe i can stream and you can be on it one last time." he said. you smiled and agreed. he started his stream and his chat immediately began flooding with thousands of messages. tommy sat you down in his chair and let you control the stream for awhile.

"hi chat, how are you all doing today?" you asked. you saw a ton of "y/n!" messages, along with messages about how you two were their favorite couple. you felt sadness take over you again and couldn't force a frown off your face. chat noticed this.

"they're asking me what's wrong, tommy. what do i say?" you whispered to him. he sighed and began explaining what was happening to his chat, which immediately began freaking out and sending sad faces and "NOOO"s.

a donation popped up which began to read itself put loud.

"y/n, i know you and tommy don't know who i am, but i wanted to let you know that you and him have helped me a lot. your happiness is contagious and i'm sure a lot of chat can agree with me. we're gonna miss you so much :(" it read. at that you began crying and wiped your face quickly.

"i'm gonna miss you too, chat."


the stream was over almost as soon as it started, since you wanted to spend more one on one time with tommy before you had to go. you both sat on his bed and he pulled you close.

"i really am gonna miss you." he almost whispered. you looked at him and saw his eyes were glossy, and a small tear fell out.

"don't cry, you're gonna make me cry." you said sadly. he let out a small laugh and wrapped his arm tighter around you.

"if i could keep you here i would." he said quietly.

"i know."


the next morning you woke up at 5 am sharp. your flight was at 9, so you had about an hour before you had to leave to go to the airport.

your parents helped you and your siblings move the remaining furniture out of your house. you stood outside in the chilly morning air and saw tommy come outside to meet you.

"you're up early." you said teasingly.

"i couldn't let you leave without saying goodbye one more time." he said, pulling you in for another hug. you laid your head against his chest and stood there, just listening to the sounds around you. tommy pulled out his phone and signaled for you to take a picture with him. you covered your face and laughed lightly.

"tommy i just woke up i look awful!" you pleaded. he laughed and pulled your hands off your face.

"you're beautiful." he said, quickly taking a picture. you squealed and tried to take his phone, but he was taller than you and you couldn't get it from him.

"fine, just this once." you huffed. he smiled and you both knew that's what you said every other time. a feeling of sadness came over the both of you as realization hit. you might never see each other again. tears threatened to fall from your eyes once again as you pulled him close to you.

"don't forget me." you whispered.

"impossible." he replied.


for the next hour he helped you check around your house and make sure you weren't forgetting anything, and that's when it was time for you to leave.

"y/n! we have to go to the airport!" your mom called. you and tommy walked out the door and headed towards the car.

"i'm gonna miss you, american." he said, smirking. you laughed softly and hit his arm. you looked at each other for a moment before leaning in for your last kiss. you placed it softly on his lips and he laid his hand on your lower back.

"goodbye tommy." you said, your eyes welling with tears.

"please don't say goodbye, y/n." he said, beginning to blink away tears as well. "it's 'see you later'" you nodded and wiped your eyes.

"you're right. i'll see you later, tommy." you said, not wanting to leave.

"see you later, y/n" he hesitantly pulled away from you and let you get into the car. you watched out the window as the car pulled forward behind the moving van. you felt your heart breaking as you left a large piece of your life behind for the second time in a little over a year. you put your airpods in and drowned out your emotions with music as you and your family approached the airport, heading back to your old life, which no longer seemed like enough. you got a notification on your phone, and looked down to see it was a tweet from tommy.

this isn't goodbye.

under the caption was 3 pictures of you two together, as well as the last picture he took of you. you let out a small cry and typed a reply.

y/u/n (your username):
it's see you later <3


okay this end was lowkey kinda cliche but i don't care i HAVE MYSELF IN MY FEELS WITH MY WRITING OMG. but anyway i was gonna post this tonight and decided to do it right now instead.
so this is the end of this story BUT if you guys would like a sequel let me know because i would be super down to write one!! thank you for all the love and support on this story! go show some love to aero's (infinitely more women) as well! he's getting back into writing it. i love you all! thank you

-kay <3

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