s i x | the girl

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you sat in biology class the next day, your mind kept wandering back to last night. you tried your best to focus on the words coming out of your teacher's mouth, but you managed to miss every last one. suddenly you felt a small tap on your shoulder. you turned around to find yourself face to face with tommy. speak of the devil.

"tonight i'm gonna come over to work on our project again. is that okay?" he whispered. you let a small breath of laughter out, nodding. "oh, we still need to play on dream smp soon!"

"what if dream doesn't let us in?" you began to worry. tommy smirked, leaving you confused.

"then i guess l'manburg will have to fight for you guys." you weren't sure what that meant, but your thoughts were quickly cut off by your teacher saying your name.

"miss l/n, is there something you'd like to share with the class?" your face turned bright red and you sunk into your chair. you heard a few giggles from around the classroom. tommy rested a hand on your shoulder to comfort you but you were already extremely embarrassed.

"don't worry about that old grump." tommy whispered from behind you. it helped a little. the rest of the class your eyes were glued to the front of the room. your mind, however, continued wandering. you anxiously messed with a piece of hair hanging over your shoulder, when finally the bell rang. you got up and rushed out of the room, tommy following close behind.

"y/n!" he called. you turned around and found that he was a lot closer than he sounded. your faces were inches apart, causing butterflies to invade your stomach once again. you took a step back, smiling softly.

"tommy!" you heard a voice behind you say. tommy glanced over your shoulder and rolled his eyes. you turned around and saw a short blonde girl with very straight hair, bright green eyes and light freckles. she was really pretty. you felt the butterflies in your stomach start to leave. "oh, hi. i didn't see you there!" she said to you. you raised an eyebrow in confusion and looked to tommy for answers. he sighed.

"y/n, this is sophia. we've been friends since grade school." he said, clearly annoyed, however the girl didn't take the hint.

"that's right! and we're besties right?!" she said loudly, grabbing his hand. she had way too much energy for you and the conversation was quickly becoming uncomfortable. tommy jerked his hand away and she giggled.

"sophia i was actually just talking to y/n about something kind of important-" he was cut off by the girl's exaggerated gasp.

"i am soooo sorry tommy! i'll leave you two alone in just a sec! i have a quick question for you!" she said to him. he raised his eyebrows, allowing her to ask. "so like your mom and my mom are besties right? and so my mom decided that our families should go out to dinner this weekend and i think that would be so cute! we can match and-"

"okay sophia! i have to get to class but just text me and we'll talk more about this later!" tommy said, cutting her off.

"oookay tommy! see ya!" she said, blowing him a kiss as he awkwardly walked away. he turned to you and mouthed "good luck," to which you rolled your eyes.

sophia continued laughing until tommy was out of sight and she turned to you. her expression changed to a slightly more serious one.

"so, are you and tommy together or something?" she asked politely, a slight touch of jealousy to her voice.

"oh, no he's just my neighbor. i just moved here from america-" she cut you off again. this was a common theme, it seemed.

"okay good because i've liked him for like- forever- and it'd be really immature for you to intrude on that. i'm even planning on asking him out soon. what do you think he'll say?"

the tips of your mouth turned slowly and you felt yourself go numb. you didn't really know what to say to her.

"um, i don't really know. but good luck anyway!" you said, walking away. you turned back and saw her looking at you with an odd expression.

"great," you thought. "because an obsessive girl is gonna make my life so much easier."


you heard a knock at your bedroom door and as it opened you saw tommy walk in with his laptop and a notebook.

"project day two?" he asked. you playfully rolled your eyes as he sat down next to you. "whats wrong y/n?"

"i don't know, i'm just not feeling the project tonight. wanna just chill instead? we have plenty of time to spare and we can just finish it tomorrow since we just need the slides together." he smiled and nodded, pulling out his phone. you reached for yours, and you heard a small click noise come from his phone.  you turned to face him, wide eyed and jaw dropped.

"delete that tommy!" you pleaded and reached for his phone. he laughed and kept it out of your arms reach. you kept trying, and eventually realized you were basically on top of him. you quickly got down, both of you blushing and you looked away, laughing quietly. "fine, you can keep it this once."

you looked back over to him and saw him looking right back at you. you got lost staring into his eyes for a moment, before you got insecure and looked away. tommy grabbed your hand, causing you to look back at him. butterflies swarmed in your stomach, and he began to lean in slightly. your head was spinning and you couldn't think straight. are we about to kiss??

suddenly you heard your brother burst into your room. you and tommy threw yourselves away from each other and looked at b/n, who was beaming after witnessing you nearly kiss his favorite youtuber.

"i told you it was like that!" he said, before running away.

you hid your face in your hands before looking at tommy who was red as a tomato. you both laughed it off and decided to work on your project, after all.

hii okay so this is definitely my favorite chapter so far i actually got annoyed with myself when the kiss got interrupted but yk it is what it is i don't want things movin too fast ya feel? but ye anyway i really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because i really liked it lol.

-kay <3

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