e l e v e n | mia

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your eyes shot open as you heard a phone ringing. you quickly noticed tommy asleep, cuddled into you, giving you butterflies and making you smile. after eventually pulling your eyes away from him you saw his phone was the one ringing. it was sophia. you slid the answer button and held the phone up to your ear.

"hello?" you whispered. tommy shifted slightly and tightened his grip around your waist.

"who is this?" an unfamiliar voice muttered. you panicked thinking of what to say, as you knew exactly who was talking to you.

"why the fuck are you calling this number?" you spat. you heard two girls whispering on the other line.

"put tommy on the phone." sophia yelled in the background.

"that's not happening. listen, mia, i don't know you. but you better stay the hell away from him. this isn't even a jealousy thing this is for his well being. you don't deserve him. fuck off." you finished, just before furiously tapping the "end call" button. you set the phone down lightly and ran your hand through tommy's messy hair. i won't let her hurt you again.

you slid your body down so you were laying face to face with him. he looked so relaxed, and you wanted to keep it that way. you moved in closer to him and fell back asleep.


"y/n." you heard a soft voice whisper. your eyes fluttered open as you saw tommy sitting up next to you. you sat up and smiled at him.

"how'd you sleep tommy?" you asked. he smiled at you.

"good, thanks to you. the past few nights i couldn't clear my head enough to actually get a decent sleep, but last night i slept like a baby!" he looked a lot happier than the previous day. his happiness was extremely contagious and you found yourself letting out a giggle. you frowned when you remembered what happened when you woke up the first time. he raised his eyebrow and you made eye contact. you sighed and began to explain what happened.

"sophia called with mia again," you started. his face fell and he glanced down. you grabbed his hand slightly and he looked up at you. "but i took care of it." he smiled and laid a hand on the back of his neck.

"thank you for everything you've done for me. i've never had someone be there for me this much. i also wanted to apologize, especially for friday. because of me we're both going to fail the project." he looked away, his eyes looking watery.

"tommy, it's okay. i'm sure mr bret will understand, and if not, it's just a grade. you are way more important to me than some stupid presentation." you reassured him. he looked at you, the sweetest smile on his face. you leaned forward and kissed him softly on the cheek, causing both of you to blush.

he grabbed both of your hands and leaned forward and kissed you, this time on the lips. the overwhelming butterflies came back from the first time you kissed, and you fell into this one just the same. when you pulled away finally, he pulled you into a hug, where your face rested against his neck. you breathed in sync, and for a moment, everything felt so perfect.


hii guys so this is a little bit of a shorter chapter but i want to say i have officially planned out the chapters for the rest of the book! if it goes as planned this will end on chapter 14, which is sad in a way. it feels like i just started this story, but its almost over :(
thank you for the amazing amount of support on this! we literally have 6k reads when we had 3k like a week ago i'm actually shook. i read every single comment and get excited at every single vote! i love and appreciate every single person who has read this and even just added it to a reading list! it makes my day and i appreciate it so much!

thank you all!

-kay <3

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