f o u r | dinner

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"hi honey how was school?" your mom asked you when you walked in the door. your siblings followed in shortly after, shaking their heads, seemingly warning her not to ask too many questions.

"humiliating." you answered. "who knew the british didn't take too kindly to americans." you rolled your eyes and grabbed a glass of water, sitting down at the dining room table.

"it didn't seem all that bad to me," your sister started. "i made a new friend today!" she smiled big and your mom congratulated her. you groaned in annoyance. you hated london already.

"well you'll have another chance tonight, y/n. mrs simons next door invited us over for dinner, and she has a son your age!" she said excitedly. your eyes widened and your head snapped to look at her.

"oh, i've met tommy already. i'm paired with him for a biology project." you frowned. you hated that he referred to you as "american" just like everyone else, and it seemed you wouldn't be able to escape it any time soon.

"wait, his name is tommy?" b/n asked. "what if it's-"

you cut him off by loudly setting your cup on the table. "yes, b/n. it's tommyinnit, the youtuber you watch. what's the big deal?" your brother's jaw dropped.

"no way! i'm going to meet tommyinnit??" he squealed in excitement. "he has over 1 million subscribers and he is friends with my favorite youtuber, dream!" your jaw dropped. you had heard of dream before, obviously.

"wait, he's friends with dream?" you asked. your brother nodded quickly, nearly giving himself brain damage. your face reddened. "i had no idea..." your mom laughed.

"better make a good second impression then." she smiled while walking towards the bathroom. "i'm gonna shower. be ready to leave to go next door in about an hour you guys!" you and your siblings dashed to your rooms to get ready.

you hurriedly picked through your closet, not having a clue what to wear. your sister walked into your room, seeing your stress over an outfit.

"let me help." she smiled.


you glanced in the mirror at the outfit your sister pulled together for you. a white tube top, black high waisted ripped jeans and a pair of white vans. your hair was curled and your makeup was done up. (sorry if this sounds rude but stop bashing the outfit it literally doesn't have anything to do with the story and i promise no one cares if you don't like the basic style. just replace the outfit and move on it's not that deep and i'm sick of getting comments like "ew basic" and "this outfit is straight" just keep your thoughts to yourself i promise i don't care) you smiled and thanked her. she nodded and left you alone. you grabbed your phone, anxiously checking the time. 4:15 the clock read. your mom informed you that you'd be leaving in about half an hour.

you opened up twitter and scrolled through for a bit. your mind began to wander and you got a bit curious as to just who exactly tommy was. you looked around your room, sighed, and typed into the search bar "tommyinnit"

his twitter account popped up and you took a deep breath. nearly 250k followers. you felt the stress take over your body as you started biting your nails nervously.

"y/n! we're heading over now!" your dad yelled. you walked down the stairs to the front door and followed your parents and siblings out the door to the house next door.

you saw a woman out front, waving happily to you and your family. you walked up to the door slowly, looking over at your brother, who looked like he was going to explode. "same" you thought.


"tommy! come greet our guests!" the woman yelled once you and your family entered the house. you heard footsteps and saw tommy come down the stairs. you felt your face immediately turn bright red.  your brother squealed quietly and your sister looked away nervously.

your parents followed tommy's mom into the dining area and tommy approached you and your siblings.

"you probably heard already, but i'm tommy. it's nice to meet you guys." he said confidently. he noticed you and smirked. "how's london treating you, american?" he questioned you. you furrowed your brows angrily and scoffed.

"you don't have to refer to me as 'american,' you know." you said. he laughed quietly.

"i know, but i can also tell it pisses you off." you rolled your eyes and looked away.

"i can't believe i'm meeting you, tommyinnit!" your brother said happily. tommy smiled and looked at him.

"oh you watch my channel? it's nice to meet you too!" he said politely. you were surprised by how nice he seemed, since he acted completely different on his twitter. you realized far too late how contagious his smile was as your sister elbowed you in the side, teasing you. you fixed your smile into a straight face and followed tommy into the dining area.

you sat down at the table, your sister sat across from you and your brother sat next to her. tommy sat next to you and you looked at him with wide eyes.

"what?" he laughed, looking at you. he knew exactly what he was doing. "we need to talk about our biology project." he joked.

"yeah right." you pulled out your phone and opened it up. you quickly tried to lock it when you realized it was still opened up to tommy's twitter account, but it was too late. tommy grabbed your phone and began messing with you.

"bit of a stalker, aren't you?" he said while scrolling through his own account. "you forgot to follow." he remarked, hitting the follow button. you rolled your eyes again. dinner needs to hurry.


"so i hear that you and y/n met in class, tommy." your mom said, taking a sip of her drink.

"yeah, we even have a project together." he replied. "which means you probably have to come over tomorrow so we can work on that." he noted, turning to you. you nodded in agreeance, trying your best to ignore as much of the conversation as possible. you had to admit, tommy was a very entertaining person and the more time you spent with him, the less awkward you felt. but, you couldn't stop thinking about how embarrassing it was to get caught on his twitter profile, and how nerve wracking it was talking to someone who was friends with one of your idols.

"hey, b/n, since you watch the channel how would you feel about playing on dream smp with me eventually?" tommy asked your bother, who nearly spat out his food at that comment.

"i would love that!" he instantly replied. your dad laughed and continued eating.

"i would ask you, s/n and y/n, but i doubt you guys watch me or dream-" he started.

"y/n does! she watches dream all the time!" s/n said, glancing over at you with a smirk. tommy raised his eyebrows and laughed.

"maybe you can join us then."



hi hello i wrote this entire chapter on the way to my cousins house and i actually don't hate it it was really fun to write and some things just fell together super nice and i'm happy with how it turned out! maybe i'll change my mind later idk but for now i like it and i hope you guys too! and i wanted to say thank you for the support again. this account is new and this is the first story on it and it has over 200 reads. i'm so thankful for that! you have no idea. anyway thank you for everything! i'll try to update again tomorrow!

- kay<3

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