f i v e | projects and youtube

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after school the next day you sat alone in your room listening to music. you couldn't stop thinking about last night and how nervous tommy made you feel. you decided to check out his youtube channel.

you opened his most recent video titled "We Actually Scammed Dream" a smile crept on your face at the mention of dream, since he was one of your favorite youtubers. you clicked the video and began watching.

the video was about halfway over and you heard your door creak open. you glanced up and saw tommy standing at the entrance. you quickly locked your phone and set it next to you on your bed, but he laughed, knowing what you were doing.

"so you are a fan, then?" he asked, teasingly. you rolled your eyes.

"nah, i just wanna know what i'm working with here." you smirked. "how'd you get in here anyway?"

"your mom let me in. i figured we should work on the project now since it's due friday." he said. you nodded and pat the bed next to you and began pulling out your biology notes.

"okay so according to the notes i took on the project we need to research a genetic mutation and put together a detailed slideshow on what it does to the body and mind-" you looked over to see tommy on his phone. "tommy!" you said, playfully pushing him. he looked at you with a shocked expression and laughed loudly.

"sorry i got distracted." he ran his hand through his hair and turned to the side. you felt blush creep over your cheeks and you looked away.

"it's okay," you said shyly, pushing a piece of hair out of your face. "as i was saying, we have to research a mutation. the one we were assigned is down syndrome. that's pretty easy since a lot of people know about it, right?" you said while glancing over at tommy, who was intensely focused on you. your face got even warmer and you smiled a little.

"oh, what? yeah... you're pretty- i mean that's pretty easy." he said, looking away. your eyes widened and you shoved your biology notes in your bag.

"well, i guess we could start researching now?" you said, pulling out your laptop. he nodded and watched over your shoulder. you two continued for the next hour, researching and gathering information and taking notes on it. before you knew it you had enough information for all the slides required on your project.

"we're basically done with our project tommy!" you said, turning and giving him a high five.

"what now?" he asked. you thought for a moment, then had an idea. you dragged him down to your living room and sat down on the couch and forced him down next to you. he caught his breath and looked at you, an eyebrow raised.

"show me your videos, tommyinnit. i wanna learn about what you do!" you crossed your legs so you were sitting "criss-cross-applesauce" as a kindergarten teacher would say. tommy laughed and pulled up youtube on your tv, effortlessly typed in his channel name, and clicked on a video he noticed you hadn't clicked on already.

you tried to pay attention to him on the screen, but your eyes kept gravitating towards the one sitting next to you. you noticed every detail. the way his eyes moved across the screen, admiring his work. the way he smirked at his own jokes, then turned to you to see if you were laughing along, seeking approval. everything about him just seemed- flawless. you smiled and turned back to the screen, leaning in slightly. he shifted a little, surprised by the movement, but settled in a bit, letting his right hand touch yours ever so slightly. you smiled bigger, and out of the corner of your eye, you saw he was too.


your eyes fluttered open to see a black tv screen, a blanket over top of you, and your head was on tommy's shoulder. you jumped up quickly, startled, and checked the time using tommy's phone. it was only 8:34, but it felt much later, you shook tommy slightly and he opened his eyes.

"we fell asleep somehow." you said, still in shock. he looked around the room, still waking up and looked back at you.

"what time is it?" you held his phone out for him to read, to which he squinted his eyes and slowly picked himself up off the couch. "i should probably get home now." he said softly. you pressed your lips together and nodded, hugging yourself with your arms. he smiled and put his hand on the back of his neck awkwardly. you both stood there looking at each other for a few seconds then you walked together to the door. he waved goodbye to you and you did the same, and he left.

you walked back towards your room where b/n greeted you.

"soooo, about tommy..." he started. your eyes widened and you put your hand over his mouth and pulled him into your room.

"shhhh. it's not like that!" you whisper yelled. b/n chuckled softly.

"it sure looked like that. you two looked super comfy, i just had to add the blanket." he innocently said. you slapped your hand against your forehead.

"i don't even know how we passed out." you looked down at b/n who looked like he was ready to jump through the roof in excitement. "B/N! it's not like that! i'm serious! stop!" no matter how many times you said it, he just didn't believe you.

"oookay, y/n! you better go to sleep soon! you have to see your boyfriend again tomorrow!" he said, walking out of your room. you furrowed your eyebrows at him and turned towards your bed, where you saw your phone still sitting. on it was a notification from twitter.

tommyinnit has followed you back!


hey guys! so i am having a LOT of fun writing this story, it's so addicting. almost like therapy. anywayyyyy i hope everyone enjoys this story because i have SO many ideas for it. just ask aero LMAO. speaking of which, he premiered his new story so you should all go check that out! it's also on this account and he's really excited to start his too! anyway thank you again for all the support! ily all <3

-kay <3

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