The World is Ours

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Tord Pov:

I very slowly come to with a sore throat and pounding headache, I groan and sit up while holding my head before looking around to see I'm in my room back at base. I clear my throat to dispose of the mucus lingering in the back and ask myself, "What happened? All I remember is taking that damn pill Julian gave me and blacking out..."

I stand up from my bed and see I'm in my red pajamas, did I just pass out after taking the pill? No.. he wouldn't give me a mission only to let me sleep... but then what did I do?

Suddenly the bedroom door bursts open which makes me jump a bit before turning my head and seeing Julian standing there, I go to say, "How many times have I told you not to do that?" but Julian cuts me off.

"You did it Tord! You took over the world!!" Julian shouts and hugs me tightly, I blink a few times in confusion. "I knew that pill could make you do it! You just needed a little boost is all!"

"Wait.. so the pill worked?" I ask, my spirits being high again. I can't believe I managed to take over the world! All because of one pill- "Wait..-"

"Isn't this fantastic?! The world is ours Tord! All ours!-"

"Where's Tom, Julian?" I ask, gaining a serious mood and face. "You better not have broke our deal-"

Julian rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, "Is he seriously all you care about? You talk about him nonstop! He probably hates-"

"I said where's Tom, Julian?" I ask again with a glare that even makes Julian nervous. "I'm not messing around, we made a agreement," I push my index finger against his chest. "You make sure Tom is safe and I take the pill, that was the agreement."

"Tord Tord Tord! I am a honest man! He is safe and sound in the dungeon and his room is all prepared for when he calms down enough to begin settling in," I sigh of sweet relief as I hold my chest with a sudden feeling of calmness flowing through my body. "He is awake now and being monitored by Paul as we speak, all you have to do is help him relax enough to be unchained and brought upstairs for food and ultimate rest."

"I expect him to be unharmed,"

"He is well, I checked myself,"

"Good, I will head there on my own. You go make sure everything is in order out in the fields and retrieve information on how everything is coming along now that the world is in possession of the Red Army,"

"Certainly," Julian replies with a smirk before slowly leaving the room.. I just hope everything he says is true and everything is really as okay as he makes it seem...

Third Person Pov:
||•A few minutes later•||

You can the sound of Tord's heavy boots clonking against the hard pavement of the dungeon floors as he speeds to the cell Tom is supposedly in, you can notice the utter increase of prisoners since the quick World War ended since the dungeon used to be much more empty before the event.

Tord reaches Cell 666 and uses a special key to unlock the door, he opens up the door and there appears Tom on the floor with his arms and legs chained to the wall by thick chains and his head down. Tord freezes in place as his heart races at a impeccable speed, he closes the door behind him and locks it quickly.

Tord takes a few hesitant steps toward Tom and the brit slowly raises his head to look at him, he has a expression on his face that is unrecognizable and his cheeks hold very noticeable tear stains.

"You're a real idiot you know tha-" Tom can't finish his insult because Tord has already fallen on his knees and began to kiss the brit with his arms wrapped tightly around him and tears running down his cheeks.

Tom wants to resist, but the familiar and comforting feeling of the kiss just feels too right to fight back so he instead kisses back with more tears beginning to fall. Both of their tears drip on to the cold floor and collide together, making teary water hearts appear below them...

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