Rain Dance

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Why do I keep imagining this book as a dating game with you playing as Tom and it's like "You chose the edgy Norwegian" and then it's just several occasions you meet him until you're both in love with each other.

I think I'm just a weirdo and a sucker for gay romance.


Tord Pov:

We ended up walking around the park for only ten minutes before it started to pour outside, so we quickly went under a tree even though we're already soaking wet.

"I'm so happy I closed my convertibles hood before we left..." I say and sigh in relief.

I look at Tom to see him staring off into the rain with a smile which makes me blush and slightly look away from him.

Out of nowhere Tom takes off into the rain and starts to dance in it which surprises me. I watch him dance in it with his pure happiness showing and I smile softly. After a minute he skips over to me and takes my hands, pulling me into the rain, which I silently comply.

Tom and I dance with each other in the rain which causes every inch of us to soak up. We hold hands and spin in a circle as the puddles on the floor splash from our boots hitting against it. I'm having the time of my life, even though I don't enjoy being in the rain all that much.

After about twenty minutes of dancing, the rain stops and we stop dancing. Tom gives me a large smile then he lets go of my hands and runs toward the car. I yell a, "Wait up!" before running after him.

We get into the car soaking wet and laughing. When we slowly stop laughing, we look at each other for a few moments before blushing and looking away from each other in unison.

"I got your clothes wet, I'm sorry," I say and rub my arm, looking down.

"They're not my clothes anymore," Tom says with a smile which I look at him with confusion until I understand what he means.

"No no no! I can't accept these clothes!"

"You wore them, they're yours now," Tom looks at me with a reassuring smile.

After a minute of us looking at each other again, I look down and sigh in defeat, "Are you sure?"


I blush and softly smile, "Thank you..."

"You're welcome!"

"No really.. This means a lot..."

My flirty side kicks in and I pull his face to mine by his shirt but before I can kiss him I look into his surprised eyes a long time before letting go of him and turning the car on.

"I.. should get you home," I say as Tom gets a flustered yet adorable face.

Tom looks to the window and says, "R-right..."


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