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Tord Pov:

"What am I doing?" I mutter to myself as I continue to scroll through colleges and their studies. "There's no point in college if you don't even know what you want as a job... I should stop." I shut my laptop and lean back in my desk chair, holding my face. "What am I going to do?"

I hear a knock at my door so I ask, "Who is it?"

"It's Tom!" the person behind the door says, I sigh.

"Come in," I stand up from my desk chair as Tom walks into my room, he has a smile until he sees my saddened face.

I sit down on my bed and hold my face, Tom closes the door behind him and says, "I was thinking about joining Lonlee University," Tom scratches behind his neck with a shy smile. "I heard it's a good college for music." I look down sadly.

"That's good..." I look up at Tom to see he has a upset look on his face so I panic. "I mean- I'm super happy for you! I'm sure the college is perfect for you! I know how much you love music, you'll fit right in!"

"Don't pretend you're okay Tord," Tom says and sighs, so I lose my fake smile and look down again.

"I'm sorry.. It's that everyone seems to have their future in order from start to finish, while I still don't know what passion I want to pursue, I guess I just never thought I'd make it this far..." Some tears trickle the corners of my eyes. "God I've always been such a failure..."

I feel Tom sit down next to me, he holds the sides of my face and gently brings my head up to look at him, he wipes the tears in my eyes with his thumbs and says, "It'll be alright Tord, trust me. You'll find your dream and everything will be clear very soon, just keep going and you'll find the way."

I blush slightly and say, "This is why I love you."

"Because I get you?"

"No because you use good lotion and your hands are soft," I say sarcastically. "Of course because you get me doofus." Tom giggles and I smile, I hug him and he hugs back.

Suddenly Edd bursts through my door and shouts, "ARE YOU TWO FUCKING?!-"

"GET OUT!!" I scream and throw a pillow at him, but he blocks it by closing the door just in time for it to hit the door instead. I then hold my face and mutter, "God I hate him..."

"We both know you love him just as much as everyone else loves him," Tom says and pinches my cheek. "Now the other thing I was thinking," I look at him with confusion. "Would you like to go on a date?"

"A date?" I ask with surprise, we haven't went on a date in centuries, how long has it been?

"Yep! ASDF Land is open today and I've been dying to see the new rides! I also really want some candy floss," Tom says with a smile, which causes me to smile.

"Sure we can go, let me just get ready-"

"Nah I like how you're dressed right now, let's go!" Tom grabs my hand and pulls me off the bed and out my bedroom door with me only sighing in defeat and muttering a "Fine".

*One Hour Later*

I proceed to throw up inside one of the fair bins and Tom rubs my back as he eats his candy floss, I look at him as my stomach twists and turns and ask, "How can you eat so much candy and food and NOT THROW UP ON THE TWIRL AND HURL?!"

Tom looks as me and shrugs as he says, "I have a tough stomach, I have really no other explanation for it to be completely honest." I groan then wipe my mouth and stand up straight.

"Where do you want to go now?" I ask and sigh. "And please don't say the Whip And Wail."

"Hmmm," Tom looks around then suddenly points somewhere. "There!"

Tom drags me through several crowds of people before we make it to The Love Tunnel, how cliché of a name. I then raise a eyebrow and ask, "That? You want to go through that?"

Tom pouts and asks, "What's wrong with it?"

"It's just-" I look at it, I guess most couples would go through this at a fair wouldn't they, these things always make me gag since they're so lovey dovey. Tom gives me a confused look, but I guess Tom really wants to go... "Nevermind, let's go."

"Yay!" Tom says then drags me through the line, which causes several couples to glare at us, is it even socially acceptable to cut public lines? Tom looks up at the ride instructor, he holds up two tickets and says, "For my boyfriend and I!"

The ride instructor takes the tickets and says, "Step inside the cart and I'll start your ride." Everyone behind us groans, probably because their ride was delayed by us.

Tom and I step on to the cart and sit down on the seat, Tom snuggles against my arm which makes me blush. The ride instructor then says, "Keep all valuable and important items safely inside the car at all times, enjoy your ride."

Tom whispers to me, "Do you feel safe?"

I blink a few times in confusion before recognizing the pun, I playfully shove him and say, "You weirdo." Tom giggles and I try to hold back my laugh, but I can't help but let out a few suppressed chuckles, the cart then starts and we slowly move into the dark tunnel.

When we reach deep enough many red and pink heart shaped lights litter the walls and cheesy music like "I don't want to set the world on fire" and "Put your head on my shoulder" play on the speakers, which for a while we don't talk that is until Tom kicks up conversation.

"Man this is boring," Tom says which makes me flinch.

I turn to him and ask, "I thought you wanted to ride this?"

"I did, but I didn't realize how fucking boring it would be, it's going as slow as a snail and the music is extremely old! There's not even any attraction, it's just the lights changing colors according to the music,"

"Oh thank God I wasn't the only one thinking that!!" I reply in sigh if relief. "I was worried you were actually into this lame shit!"

"Who would be into this?! There's nothing love like about it whatsoever! It's literally music and lights, it doesn't even set the mood for romance!"

"I just feel bad for the people behind us, sucks to be them,"

"I think we did them a favor by cutting in front of them, they're going to regret going on this ride and wasting their perfectly good tickets,"

"Jesus fucking christ you're perfect!" I say then kiss Tom, to which he kisses back and wraps his arms around my neck.

I don't realize how long we're kissing until we hear the ride instructor say, "Alright you love birds, your ride is over."

We pull apart and we both mutter in unison, "Thank God."

We step out of the ride and walk down the exit steps, we hear the other couples mutter things like, "Wow if they were kissing then the ride must be romantic!" Tom and I only smirk at each other and snicker.

After many more hours of eating food and riding rides, it turns dark outside and all the attractions lights make the whole fair look rather pretty. Tom turns to me and says, "You know what time is it?"

I turn to him and say, "Ferris Wheel time."

We then hold hands and run to the Ferris Wheel, luckily the line doesn't seem too long. After around five minutes, it's our time to hand in our tickets and get on. We hand the ride instructor our tickets and we get into one of the passenger cars along with some other people.

The more we go up, the more Tom smiles since the view of the fair looks prettier and prettier with every second, but I'm looking more at how Tom's eyes glow than how the land glows.

I gently hold Tom's chin and pull his face to face me, I softly kiss him with a smile as we reach the top of the Ferris Wheel. When we pull back we look deep into each other's eyes, in this time I have completed forgotten all my worries.

"I love you Thomas," I whisper with a soft gaze.

Which Tom returns the look and replies, "I love you Tord."

Best night of my life...

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