Julian Jameson Jones

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Third Person Pov:

Julian Jameson Jones, a man of many talents.. but of many hidden beliefs. A known totalitarian communist that hides his urge for power to keep a popular impression among other people. He hopes for the day he meets the perfect simpleton to help him conquer the world, another World War for power is what he craves.

Julian walks into the popular gun shop, he's been seriously thinking about starting some sort of world changing army, but he knows the incident when he was fifteen years old wouldn't let him since his medical conditions could kill him instantly on the battle field, so he's been continuously coming up and abandoning ideas.

He looks around at all the guns on the shelves, he more specifically looks at the expensive ones. He's a rather rich man and is invited to all of the most important parties, he's already retired since he was left with his father's heritage.

Julian can't help but overhear, "What gun do you recommend for quick reloads? I keep missing the deer and then they're already gone by the time I'm done reloading!" Julian turns toward the counter and sees a customer in almost full camouflage clothing speaking to a regular looking man at the cashier.

"Let me see what I can get you," the worker says and turns around to the guns on the wall behind him, he takes a gun from one of the gun racks and turns toward the customer again, placing the gun on the counter. "This is a Quicker Equiper, our shop gun maker made it himself! It should help you tons!"

"I see.." the customer says and examines it, he then looks back up at the worker. "Can you show me how it reloads?"

"Of course!" The worker says, but when he attempts at reloading it he goes through some difficulties, which catches Julian's attention.

"He has absolutely no idea how to load that gun! What a immature," Julian says to himself in his head and rolls his eyes.

"Jakob do you still not know how to properly load a gun?" A sudden Norwegian voice comes from almost out of nowhere, Tord appears as he walks up to the customer and the worker. "Hand it over Jakob."

The worker blushes in embarrassment as he says, "Yes Tord..." The worker hands the gun to Tord and Tord reloads it in a super quick way that makes both the customer's and Julian's jaws drop.

"Did you catch that?" Tord asks the customer and the customer frantically nods as Tord places the gun in the customer's hand.

"I'll buy it if it can go that fast!" The customer says then turns to the worker and Tord smirks and places his hands on his waist. "How much?"

The worker is still in slight shock as he says, "286 pounds-"

The customer smacks down the money and quickly says, "Keep the change!" then taking the gun and running out of the store.

"How do you always win customers over all the time like that Tord? Actually, how do you handle guns so well anyway??" the worker asks Tord and Tord turns to him with a smile.

"Well when you have a lot of practice it's easy to fool someone into thinking it's easy to do, it's probably going to take him ages to figure out how to reload that fast," Tord says and Julian's mind starts to think.

"I can't tell if you're a clever fox or a sneaky snake, you know that Tord?" The worker says and Tord laughs.

"We'll never kno-"

"You know quite a bit about guns," Julian says to Tord as he walks up to the two co-workers.

Tord smiles and replies, "Yeah, my father taught me how to handle them when I was younger to protect myself- but mostly to show off when I got older. Which luckily, it seems to work out quite well when you work in a gun shop, it's super easy to convince customers to buy our custom goods," Tord then lowers one arm and says, "Now, did you need something Sir? I know every gun in the store so I should be able to-"

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