28. Not A Word

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Hey, guys! It's meeeeeee! I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to update, but are y'all ready for some more tAsTy word vomit?! Yummm... aNyWaYs, enjoy!

Y/N's POV (Back to the present— I mean past! I mean... well, y'all know what I mean. I hope.)

"Elijah Y/N Truman, huh?" Jeremy laughed. "That's a pretty interesting cover name. Where'd you come up with it?"

"Well— you see, umm..."

I was kinda at a loss for words. What do you say to somebody who confronts you about your biggest secret? Or second biggest, I guess.

I thought back to when this happened last time and took a deep breath, preparing myself to look stupid. It wasn't a very difficult task.

"OH MY GOSH, IS THAT A TURTLE?!" I gasped, scooping George up from off of the floor and hugging him to my chest.

Before Jeremy could react, I yelled, "I DECLARE THAT HIS NAME SHALL BE GEORGE!" and ran into me and my sister's room, leaving him behind in the living room, blinking in confusion.

I sat on the bedroom floor with my child in my hands, leaning against the door to keep Jeremy out.

"Yes, George," I panted, "That just happened."

A couple of seconds later, Jeremy came knocking at the door. "Y/N?" He said.

I didn't answer.

"Oh, come on! I just wanna talk!"

I stayed silent. This wasn't a great circumstance, to say the least.

My hope was that he'd walk away and forget that this had ever happened. Unfortunately, I wasn't very lucky.

I managed to hum Satisfied' under my breath twice before I heard the sound of him sitting down on the other side of the door. "Are you still there?" I sighed.

"Yep," came the tired reply.

"We don't talk about... that."



"Yes ma'am?"

"Not a word."

He sighed dejectedly. "Yes, ma'am"

George chirped up at me questioningly and I snapped to attention, internally scolding myself. "Hey, Jeremy? Do you have Fred?"


I let out the breath that I didn't know I was holding, opening the bedroom door just enough to stick my hands through. "Pass me my baby, please!" I told him.

Jeremy placed the tiny turtle in my hands with a smirk. "So," he laughed, "You admit that you're their mother?"

"No!" There was a moment of awkward silence and I sighed in defeat. "Okay, so maybe I am but that doesn't mean anything—"

"Sure it doesn't."

"I feel attacked."

"Wait a minute— if you're Elijah, then that means that Izze isn't courting anybody!" I narrowed my eyes at the excitement in his voice.


I stood from my place on the floor and opened the door with a serious expression. "If you hurt her..."

"I know, I know," he sighed. "No future children for me."


After that beautiful occurrence, we went back into the living room to watch the kids. Within thirty minutes, the rest of the crew was back.

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