13. Aim

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Hey guys! Hehe... sorry about the cliffhanger. AnYwAyS, enjoy le chappie! *throws confetti*


The battle had begun.

Laurens and I shared a quick look before aiming down at the group of men below us. I heard his gun go off and saw another redcoat fall from their horse.

I took a deep breath and focused on my target. This was it. I was really about to do this.

The soldiers below us scrambled to grab their weapons. The man I was aiming at grabbed a gun and pointed up at the trees. John and I were hidden behind the leaves, barely visible unless we moved.

John shifted as he looked for a new redcoat and my target aimed at him, moving his hand as if to pull the trigger. John didn't see him.

My heart raced as I took another deep breath... and made my shot. My target fell to the floor. Dead. A wave of guilt engulfed me but I shook it off, aiming at a different man. There was no time to be guilty.

All around me, redcoats and bluecoats were falling to ground in heaps. Their blood colored the dirt around them bright red. Half of them still had their eyes wide open. None of them were still breathing.

EvilFunkyHatDude was yelling orders left and right, trying to get his men to get in formation but they were too panicky. They grabbed whatever weapon that was available to him and aimed at whatever they saw move.

FunkyHatDude signaled for us to close in on them and we moved forward, circling around them. We were completely visible now.

Adrenaline pumped through my veins and I pulled the trigger again, causing another man to drop. I kept moving. Nonstop.

Eventually, EvilFunkyHatDude yelled for his men to retreat. They raced off down the path, back in the direction they came from. We picked off as many men as we could as they retreated, but we didn't follow them.

As soon as they were out of sight, we moved to identify our fallen soldiers. I looked around for my friends. Lafayette was off to the left, helping the wounded. Hercules was grabbing the leftover supplies and weapons from the fallen redcoats.

"You did it!" Jeremy yelled, coming up from behind me and clapping me on the back.

"Yeah," I breathed, looking down guiltily.

"Hey," he frowned, "If you didn't shoot them, then they would've shot you, okay? You did the right thing."

"I know... but still. Anyways, have you seen John?"

"Um, yes!" he smiled, staring at something over my shoulder.

"Elijah!" someone yelled. I let out a breath of relief as John raced towards me. I hugged him tightly before punching him as hard as I could in the shoulder, which wasn't very hard.

"Ow!" he whined, "What was that for?!"

"You need to pay more attention, Laurens!" I scolded, "You almost got yourself killed just then!"

"But I didn't!" he pointed out.

I rolled my eyes at him, pulling him off towards the others. After a couple of minutes, we led our comrades back towards the camp.


Everybody headed their separate ways to grab their things. I didn't have much stuff to take with me, just my letters and other crap.

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