27. Memories In The Snow

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Hey guys! If you can't already tell, this is probably my favorite out of all of my stories... hehe. SoOoOo, here's another chapter! Enjoy!

Izze's POV (the night before)

One moment I was watching Lafayette beat a man with his baguettes over Jeremy's shoulder; and the next, I was in full blown fangirl mode. I'm talking 'pterodactyl screech' fangirl mode.

Why, you ask?

Well, my dearest, internal monologue, because my twin sister and John Motherfreaking Laurens were k-i-s-s-i-n-g a small distance away from me. Talk about an OTP!

"Holy crapadoodledoo! Jeremy, look!" I gestured towards them, trying not to draw too much attention with my squealing.

"Gollybageebus," he gasped.

"I ship it!"

"Ship?" He questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. "Like a boat?"

"Umm... no," I frowned, launching into a lesson in fangirl terms. By the time I'd finished explaining what it meant to ship two people, my OTP seemed to have disappeared.

On the bright side, Jeremy was talking like a professional fangirl.

"So let me get this straight," Jeremy said, "In this instance, Lams is sinking and (insert ship name here) is sailing, right?"

"Mhm," I hummed, looking over his shoulder to see if I could see anybody in our group. They were all gone.

He must've noticed that I was distracted, because a moment later he asked, "What's wrong?"

"I think the group left," I told him.

He quickly scanned the room before leading me off the dance floor. "Where do you think they went?" He frowned.

"I don't know..."

A couple of minutes later, Jeremy and I were walking through the streets of New York City in our fanciest clothes, looking for our friends. We were clueless, searching just about everywhere, but to no avail.

Normally, I wouldn't have been phased by my sister's disappearance. But that was five years ago. After she dies and goes off to war, you start to worry a bit when she randomly poofs.

The rational part of me knew that she'd just left the party for a couple of minutes, but the other part of me said that she was lost or in danger.

The last few times I let her out of my sight she either died or ended up in a warzone, which wasn't a very comforting thought.

After about five minutes of searching, my heart was beating a mile a minute and I couldn't stop thinking about all of the different things that could be happening to her right now.

Jeremy could tell that I was freaking out I guess, because he stopped me in front of Mulligan's Tailor Shop, resting a hand on my shoulder. "Are you absolutely sure that you don't know where they could be?"

I racked my brain, thinking back to five years ago when we first arrived in the past. We stayed with Alex, we went to the tailor's shop, and then we went with the Schuyler sisters to The Orchard.

Oh, crap. The Orchard.

"There's only one other place that I could think of," I breathed, grabbing his hand and leading him in the direction of the place I'd been to so long ago.

He chuckled softly once he realized where we were going, looking down at me with a smirk. When we arrived, he opened the gate with a flourish, leading me inside. "My family's place, huh?"

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