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Colby "momma..."
Lesa "colebaby. I didn't expect this."
Lesa was happy to see her son. But so upset to see her son in the condition he was in. red bloodshot eyes. Dark dark bags under his eyes. Pale face. Skinny. Messy hair. Baggy clothes.
Lesa "whats happening.."
She was terrified when she saw sam in the same state. If not worse.
Colby "momma...sit down.."
Sam grabbed colby's hand after hugging lesa. Layne came downstairs followed by gage. Hugs were passed around until colby told them. Gage was emotionless. Face blank. Eyes revealing pain and worry. Layne had tears rolling down his face but he didnt realize it. His mother. His mother was hysterical. Colby had always been a momma's boy. Admired everything she did for him. Koki had jumped up and sat on colby's lap. Foxy next to colby on the floor. Sam was sat with foxy trying to tune everything out. He didnt want to cry anymore. He felt weak. But his boyfriend was dying. So he was allowed to be weak. Right?
Colby "uhm. So. i-i-i...heh...i th-hought this part would be easier...i uhm...i only h-h-have three months...wi-without treatments...with them...i only have s-s-seven...i don't....i can't take this pain hurts...all..all the time...breathing hurts....walking hurts....god even looking at sam sorry..."
Gage "colby...if youre in pain its better just better to not suffer know?"
Colby nodded and looked at sam. He had just heard about no treatments. He was stunned. And now crying. But he expected it. He knew colby more than colby knew him..sometimes it hurt more than it helped..
Lesa "its okay baby..."
Layne "as long as you arent in pain for long son..."
Sam "excuse me for a m-moment.."
Sam got up and walked outside. He broke. He felt his airway close. He felt his body collapse. He felt tears sliding down his cheeks at such a rapid pace he thought he might be drowning. He thought he might be dying from heartache.
Colby "sam....i....i'm sorry..."
Sam "i a-already kn-kn-knew....i just didnt want it to be real.."
Colby "me neither baby..."
Colby held sam as he sobbed. Sam calmed down and they walked inside hand in hand.
Sam "im sorry about that..."
Nobody responded. But lesa stood up and hugged the breaking blonde boy. Gage joined in. then layne. Then colby. Colby explained everything he could before he needed to go home because he felt his lungs would collapse. He needed sam. Sam was his toxin. His everything. He needed sam to live. He needs sam to feel okay. Without him. He's not sure how much he could hang on..

The Pain It Causes To Breathe You In || Solby ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora