Colin Morgan imagine 2

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We went to theater.

Sat in tucked gallery seats high above the floor

With champaig in our hands

Watching princesses and princes and wooden soldiers and swan kings and pirates dance away the story they lived to tell.

In time between acts when lights went on and curtains fell we stayed in our seats ordered some more champaign and talked about the ending we both knew because we seen it already but never before together. Others were everywhere and it troubled me. It troubled you too but you were brave and talked to me never stopping in trying to navigate my mind in harbour you were building with your words to keep me safe, so i decided i could be brave too. We laughed at Others and their stern faces but we got bored of it soon enough and found each others company and thoughts and internal jokes way more pleasing all over again.

Every once in a while, among all the noise of curtains being pulled and creak of floorboards and murmurs that were shot to the ceiling and were falling down right past our little balcony, we would catch each other staring at one another and smiling and not even bothering concealing how crazy in love we were when leaning toward closing the distance between our faces.

"i love you," you whispered words meant only for me. "baby." your lips in my hair and i am taken back to that night in your flat, sleeping in your bed where you tucked me in after i dozed off on your couch. You took couch, but before you left me alone beneath your sheets promising to leave the door open so we wouldn't feel separated, i asked you to say it again."you are my baby." and then before you left "good night, baby."

And i knew i will love you forever if my mind won't let me, my heart always will.

I want to keep you, i want to stay in your sweet embrace that smells of you as did those sheets in darkened room where you claimed me yours a while later after much persuading. You were a masterpiece in museum of a world and i was just a visitor admiring your beauty and hiding behind awestruck curiosity pang of pain ripping my heart in pieces that i can hear cluttering whenever my lungs rise, a ruination that came from knowing i can't afford that sort of piece of art. My mind is running wild and i am afraid there will come time when i will have nothing to say no new words to write because you became just another memory that faded away too fast.

Stay. Stay with me in this theater and take us home later and don't plan it but seeing me taking my evening attire off, take me by the waist and make love to me in bedroom we call our own. Let others talk; they don't have to understand. We can go to the theater whenever you want. I am open for negotiations, as long as you call me yours.

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