Colin Morgan imagine

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At the foot of the couch in flat that he shared with his best friend who they all called once and future king, who would laugh at their childishness for he was older than them but moment later he would join anyway and his blue eyes would shine because he secretly liked being called a king, for which boy doesn't,  they laughed when he would fail to deliver serious performance, and so did he; they were just a gang of misfits and dreamers who never get anywhere close to anything but trouble, and everything was all right, because at least they still had dreams and there in that flat where they were young forever and world was just a shooting star hushed disturbance locked monster kept away in the window frames,  Y/N could swear she found the kingdom she would like to stay in. 

At the foot of the couch was where they were now. 

Y/N came a while ago and Colin shouted from living room. "Hey come on in. I'm just watching cartoons. Come join me." 

Tshirt kind of guy. Quick hug. Side smiles all the time, glances and his arm close to Y/N's, knees almost touching. Clothes does. 

 "you are cute." Y/N said. His hair is curling at his forehead, his shirt is color of his eyes. "i don't want to be cute." He runs  his fingers through  hair messing it up all the way. Laugh sipping through words.

"and how do you want to be called? Sexy? Hot? Scalding? Mysterious-"

"oh god. stop!"

"distant? Unattainable-"

"is that what you think i am to you?"He is smiling but his voice is lingering determination to prove she deserves more than she dares to take. 

"you are human. Humans cannot be attained. Nor would i ever subject you to such a objectification." she finally said.

Suddenly he got serious. Shifts himself so he looks at her, his arm resting on seat beside them. "on scale 1 to 10, how much you love me?"He knows. There was never any pretence between him and Y/n. They hesitated they waited they walked around each other until gravity will loosen up and they will walk away from crime scene. 


His eyes grow big. Sea is close. She can feel the breeze on her skin freshness on her face. Don't spill. I don't want to hurt you. "why not 10?" he asks.

Tom is chasing jerry who fled under cupboard pressed to blue wall. "in case you don't fall for me. So my descend won't be too hard. It won't be long way down. Not as it would be if i had to go from the top."

"why not 5 then?"

"that was initial plan. But it kind of got of the control." Honesty was all I ever gave to you. It was time for change she told herself. Please stay. Play differently than others did. Tom never gets hold of jerry, but he took hold of her palm. And smiled.

I am yours. You are mine. 

Why is it then so hard to say it out loud?

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