"You're in love with Felicity." She said, smirking.

Loki was dumbfounded. Was it that obvious?  

"What makes you think that?"

Nat rolled her eyes. "It's obvious. You're so worried about her, and you two have gotten so close. I don't know how I didn't figure it out sooner, or how some of the others didn't figure it out already."

Loki huffed in annoyance. Well, the truth had to come out eventually. 

"Alright. I'm in love with her, but you can't tell anyone."

"Doesn't mean they won't find out."

With that, she leaves the room. I wait a bit before leaving for the kitchen to get a water bottle. 

Tony's POV:

When Loki teleports away after Natasha leaves, I decide to pull up the security feed in that room and put it up on the TV.

"Okay, what do you want, Natasha?" Loki asked

"I know what you're hiding Loki" Natasha responded.

What is he hiding?

"And what might that be?"

"Take a guess."

"No, just tell me."

"You're in love with Felicity," Natasha said, smirking.

Everyone is completely dumbfounded once everyone hears this.

"What makes you think that?"

 "It's obvious. You're so worried about her, and you two have gotten so close. I don't know how I didn't figure it out sooner, or how some of the others didn't figure it out already."

Loki huffed. "Alright. I'm in love with her, but you can't tell anyone."

Half of us are just in shock, while the other half are smirking.

"Doesn't mean they won't find out."

Then Nat leaves, and I turn off the feed. She reenters the room and sits back down in her chair next to Steve. About a minute late, Loki comes back in as well with a water bottle and sits down in his spot on the couch.

After about a minute, I decide to speak up. "Hey Pete, do you know if Felicity has anyone special?"

"Uh, I don't think so."

I smirk, knowing that I'm agitating Loki. "Well, maybe we should set her up with someone once she gets back."

Peter seems to have caught on from my smirk, the feed we all just witnessed, and Loki's current scowl. "Maybe we should. I mean, she could have someone that I don't know about, though. Hey Loki, you and my sister are pretty close. Do you know if she's seeing anyone?"

I'm so proud of the kid, he's becoming such a mini-me.

"Actually, she did tell me that she has gonna on some dates with a guy. She wouldn't tell me who, but she seems to like him very much." Loki responds with a smirk.

I did not expect that.

Peter's POV:

Felicity is dating someone and she didn't tell me. Why? Maybe because she thought I would react badly to it. I know she has her reasons, I just hope she tells me when she gets back.

After Loki's response, the subject seems to have been dropped.

The Next Day

3rd Person POV:

The next morning, everyone is eating breakfast when they see a beam of color on the balcony. When the beam disappears, Thor and Felicity come walking into the kitchen.

Everyone is so happy to see Felicity back and alive. Peter is the first to run up and hug her. Then Nat, Steve, Bruce, Clint, and Tony. 

Everyone has given their hugs, except for Loki. They just stand there, staring at each other for a few seconds, before Felicity runs up to Loki and jumps into his arms. He wraps his arms around her, nuzzling his face into her neck.

Felicity's POV:

"I missed you." He whispered as he kissed my hair.

I looked at him and smile. "I'm here now." Then, not caring that everyone is watching us, I kiss him. After a few seconds, we break away, placing our foreheads together, smiling.

Then we hear someone clear their throat.

Loki's POV:

She's here. She's ok. As we hug, I whisper, "I missed you."

She looked at me and smiled. "I'm here now." She says. Then she kisses me. After a few seconds, we break away and place our foreheads together. 

Then we hear someone clear their throat.

3rd Person POV:

Tony cleared his throat, making the two turn their attention toward everyone else. 

"So, is there anything you guys want to tell us?" Tony asks, with a smirk.

They look at each other for a minute before Felicity speaks. "Well, Loki and I have been dating..." Everyone has a mixture of knowing and shock on their faces. Then she continues, "...For about 7 months."

Everyone is dumbfounded. How did they not know about this?

Peter walks up to Felicity and hugs her. "I trust that you had your reasons for not telling us. I love you, and I'm happy you have someone who loves you." Peter tells her. 

With that, everyone happy and ok with it. As long as Peter is ok with it, and the two are happy, so is everyone else.


Thanks for reading, and I'm sorry that this update took forever. I've been doing online schooling, and it's taken up a lot of my time. But, I hope you enjoyed it. This is the last chapter, but there will be an epilogue. Bue guys!

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