Field Trip...

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A/N: This chapter is a bit off-topic, but not at the same time if that makes sense. What has happened between this and the previous chapter was: Felicity found out Peter is SpiderMan, she became close friends with Natasha, she started training with Clint since their both archers, she also did a lot of training with Steve and Thor, she worked with Tony in the lab since she's very smart and like his daughter now, and she and Loki got much closer. When she's not training, working with Tony, or hanging out with Peter, she's with Loki. She has also been introduced to the world as an Avenger, named Scarlett Archer(I know, not the best. If you think you have a better name, please tell me. I'm open to suggestions.). This is about 3 months after the previous chapter. So, thought this chapter should be fun since I haven't written in a while. Now, on to the story!


Peter's POV:

Today was Friday, and I had a mystery feild-trip today. We all get on the bus, and headed out. About 20 minutes later, we arrive. We are at Avenger's Tower. I start to panick, knowing this was going to be really awkward. We all get off the bus and head into the building. The entire time, Flash is taunting me about my "fake internship".

Once we get inside the tower, I see one of the inters walking up to us.

"Hello! I'm Jasmine, and I'm going to be giving you guys a tour of the tower today! Now, you will all get a badge, you need to be wearing it at all times."

She starts handing out the badges. She gives one to everyone, but me, Ned, and MJ. We all nod to her, telling her we have our badges.

"Excuse me, but your badge is different then ours, why?", a girl asks.

"That's a good question. There are 9 different levels, and each level has it's own color. Level 1 is white, for guests/tours. Level 2 is black, for media. Level 3 is light blue, for interns. Level 4 is orange, for security. Level 5 is dark blue, for higher-level interns. Level 6 is bronze, for any friends and family to the Avengers. Level 7 is silver, for any personal interns to the Avenger since some have them. Level 8 is gold, for the Avengers. Level 9 is red and gold, for Mr. Stark, Ms. Potts, and 2 other."

After that, we all head through the scanner.

"Eugene Thompson. Level 1." F.R.I.D.A.Y. say.

Flash jumps, while Jasmine says, "Thats's F.R.I.D.A.Y., she's an AI." Everyone continues to go though the scanner. MJ, Ned, and me are last.

"Michelle Jones. Level 7. Welcome back, MJ. Would you like me to inform Ms. Potts of your arrival?"

"Thanks, FRI, but not now."

Ned is next.

"Ned Leeds Level 7. Welcome back, Ned. Would you like me to infrom Dr. Banner of you arrival?"

"Not know F.R.I.D.A.Y., thanks."

My turn. I walk through.

"Peter Parker. Level 10. Welcome back, Peter. Should I inform Mr. Stark and Ms. Felicity of your arrival?"

"Uh, not now FRI, I'm on a feild-trip." I reply.

"Alright, Peter. Have a nice trip."

"Thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y."

I ignore the stares I'm getting from my class, and walk over to them. "Ok, now that everyone's here we can start the tour." We make our way to the elevator, and step inside. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., please 3th floor, please. The 3th floor is the Avenger's museum. After lunch we will head to the intern labs, and the training room. And before we leave, a Q&A with the Avengers."

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