Who Is She Really?

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Natasha's POV:

  If I'm being honest, I don't exactly know what just happened. Loki and Felicity just stared at each other for a while, then smiled at each other. What? Loki is not this nice, even with the rest of us. Then, he just met this girl, and he has his arm around her and is smiling at her. 

  Trust me, I'm not jealous, I hate the man. If I could I would still stab him. I still don't, and will never trust him. I just put up with him because of Peter.

  But aside from the shock, I think this is good for him, and maybe for her. It will be nice to finally have another girl around here. We're gonna be good friends. I have a feeling everyone feels the same way. Peter does. You can see it on his face, he loves their interaction, even though it's his sister.

  But for some reason, I can't seem to shake the feeling that I've seen her before. It's odd, but I decide to trust my gut, as always, and say something. "So, why did HYDRA have you?"

  Immediately,  I can tell Felicity is uncomfortable. She looks down, in what looks like shame, and starts to explain everything.

Felicity's POV:

  I look down after Natasha asks her question, knowing that now I have to explain my past.

  "Well, I kinda use to work for HYDRA. I was an assassin." 

  I decided to look up. I see shock on everyone's faces. Everyone but Natasha. I continue.

  "When I Peter was 4 and I was 11, we lost our parents in a plane crash. About a week after that was their funeral. At the funeral, a man came up to me and started to talk to me. I, not knowing any better, talked with him. He ended up taking me. Next thing I know, I wake up in the dark on a cold, hard bed. They told me they were gonna help me, told me that what I was going to dow would help me to avenge my parents. I believed them. The next day, they brought me to a room to pick out a weapon. I ended up picking a red and black bow, and black arrows with red tips. They called me "красная дочь", it's Russian for "Red Daughter". I became their most skilled archer. I rarely ever used guns, occasionally I used knives, but I always used my bow and arrows. When I turned 14, they didn't want anything to be able to come in between me and missions, so they sterilized me. Let's just say, that helped with a lot of things." 

  No one said anything. They either looked down in sadness or were crying.

 "Everything was as normal as it could be for me, being an assassin for HYRDA. That is, until a year ago. I was given a mission to bring down a private jet. Apparently, the people that would be on it tried to leave HYRDA, and no one leaves HYRDA. I started with the usual, spying on them, gather information, beforehand. But, while I was doing this, I saw the reason they left. They had a daughter. They were gonna go to London to get some things in order so the three of them could live there. It made me remember what I went through. How my parents left me and Peter, only to die in a plane crash. That made me start to wonder if HYDRA crashed our parent's plane. I had studied HYRDA's style and came to the conclusion it was their fault. I lost the trust I had in them. I didn't complete my mission. I didn't want that little girl to lose her parents, only to be taken my HYRDA and turned into an assassin. I didn't her to go through that I had.

  "When HYDRA found out that I didn't complete my mission, they gave me a chance to redeem myself, see as I was their best assassin. But I refused. So they locked me up and...tortured me. Then, Steve found me and brought me here. So, that's why HYDRA had me."

  Everyone just stared at me in utter shock and sadness. Even Natasha seemed to be surprised. I looked over at Peter, to see him not even looking at me, just crying. I decided to pull him into my arms and just hold him, reassuring him that I'm here. He wraps his arm's around me and holds me tight while sobbing into my shoulder.

  I look over to see Loki's reaction, and he looks like he's thinking about something, but also studying me at the same time. He decides to speak first. "I'm sorry.", was all he said, as he wraps his arm around me again, pulling me into him. As if to reassure me that it's all over. 

  'My statement from earlier still holds true. Your no monster.'  I just look at him with slight confusion, but also with appreciation.

  'Thanks. But I am a monster.'

  'No. Just, misguided. Until a year ago, at least. You have good in you. Trust me. We are more alike than you think.'

  I give him a small smile as a thank you. I just sit there in his arms, and Peter in mine. If not for the depressing story, it would be perfect. What is this man doing to me? I think I may be slowly, but surely, falling for the God of Mischief and Lies.

Loki's POV:

  I felt genuinely sorry for her. Felicity lost her family, only to be taken, lied to, and betrayed, made a killer. I never thought there would be anyone who I could relate to as much as I could with her. 

  After our little mental conversation, she just sat there, in my arms, and Peter in her's. It felt right, comforting her the way I was. It felt natural, almost like I was supposed to do it. What was this girl doing to me? It was then that I realized that I was starting to fall for her. I mentally smiled at this realization.

3rd Person POV:

  While Loki, Felicity, and Peter were all in each other's arms, the rest of the Avengers just sat there, trying to take in all of what Felicity just told them.

  Clint was upset that another girl was taken and turned into a killer. He was a lot angrier at this then he cared to admit.

 Natasha was sad that they had a similar turnout of lives. She now knew where she knew Felicity from. Nat had most likely seen her during one of her missions while working for the KGB. She just felt bad but gave almost no sign of it.

  Bruce was quiet, as was everyone else, trying to imagine what it must have been like for Felicity, without getting angry enough to turn into the Hulk.

  Tony was distraught. He thought he had a bad kidnapping. But it was nothing compared to hers. He felt bad for the way he complained about being imprisoned, but was technically given food and water. This was a wake-up call for him.

  Steve didn't know what to think. He felt bad for her, he was angry at HYDRA for hurting an innocent girl the way they did, he was confused at why she didn't escape on her own and was sad because of how much pain she went through.

  Thor was straight out angry. He wanted to completely destroy HYDRA for what they did.

  Peter, everyone already knew how he felt. He was sobbing into his sister's shoulder. Holding onto her for dear life, like he was afraid she would leave.

  Loki. He was a different story. Somehow, he cheered her up slightly. He was hugging her, making sure she knew that she wasn't a monster. He also was with Thor, wanting to destroy HYDRA for what they did to his Felicity.


Thanks for reading, and I know, kinda long chapter. Not like all my other short-ish chapters. Hope you enjoyed it.

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