The Necklace

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A/N: So, this chapter is gonna back-track a bit. I had said that Loki gave Felicity a necklace, so this chapter is going to explain the events revolving around that.


3rd Person POV:

It's been about 2 months since Felicity had moved into the tower. About a week in, she already had her own floor. Over the course of this time, everyone has become attached in some way to Felicity.

Tony and Pepper were like Felicity and Peter's parents.

Bruce was that nerdy, loveable uncle.

Thor was that pre-boomer uncle.

Clint was the crazy uncle, who got into everyone's business. The male version of a Karen.

Steve was like the confused grandpa, who always said "back in my day-", just different wording.

Nat was basically Felicity's sister.

And Loki, no one really knew what they were.

But, everything seemed to be normal. Then, there was that one day.

Felicity's POV:

I woke up with a start, sweat covering my entire body. Another nightmare. I looked over to check the clock, it said 5:00 AM. I groaned and got out of bed, knowing a shower would do me good. After my shower I throw on a green shirt, some ripped jeans, a black bomber jacket, and some white Converse, with my hair half up in a bun.(A/N: outfit down below)

I head up to the kitchen/living room to make myself coffee and breakfest

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I head up to the kitchen/living room to make myself coffee and breakfest. When I get there, I see Loki sitting on the couch, looking outside. So, I try to be as quiet I possible, which isn't to hard for me since I was basically a spy my entire life.

Some how, Loki notices that I'm there and turns around. I curse quietly to myself, and decide to say something.

"Good morning, Loki."

"Good morning, Lis." I smile at this. He seems to only call me Lis, unless it's important. But, I like it.

"Couldn't sleep?" I ask as I pour 2 cups of coffee.

"No. You?" He asks.

"Nope." I reply while sitting down, handing him his coffee.

We end up talking about the most random things until the others start coming in. Then we just talk about normal things.

-----------------------Time Skip by early morning coffee-----------------

Later, me and Loki decide to hang out. We go to his floor, and decide to watch a movie. Throughout the movie, I see Loki glance at me every few minutes. I ignore it for the time being, and just watch the movie. Which, by the way, was Jurassic Park 1.

I was not the biggest fan of that movie, it kinda scared me. I don't know why, but it did. So, at multiple points in the movie I would grab Loki's arm, and just hold it. One time, he took that arm and wrapped it around my shoulders, pulling me into him in a comforting way. I looked up at him and smile. He looked down to me and smiled back.

Once the movie ended I said, "You are never making me watch that again."

"Alright. But it was not that bad."

"Yeah it was."

I looked at him, and he looked somewhat nervous. I wondered why. I decided against looking into his mind, because I know he'll know, and no one can find out.

Loki's POV:

I'm extermely nervous. I shouldn't be though, this should be easy. But it's not.

After a few seconds, I decide to do it.



"I wanted to give you something." I stood up and got a small necklace box, came back and sat down. I handed it to her, nervous about how she would react.

Felicity's POV:

Loki hands me a small box. I open it, and see a beautiful gold necklace.

I couldn't believe he got me this

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I couldn't believe he got me this. I pick it up, and admire it.

I look back at Loki, I can tell he's nervous. I smile and say, "It's beautiful. Thank you. Can you help me put it on?"

He smiles and says, "Of course."

He takes the necklace in his hands and we stand up. I pull my hair to the side, and he clasps it around my neck. I put my hair back down and turn around to see that he hasn't moved. We look into each others eyes, almost breathless.

"I've been meaning to tell you something for a while now." He says in a low, husky voice that makes my knees weak. "I've liked you for as long as I've known you. I can't stop thinking about you. I need you."

I'm speechless.

"Please say something. Anything." He begs.

Unsure of what to say, I put my hand on the back of his neck, pull him down, and kiss him. The kiss lasts a few seconds before we break apart, and placing our foreheads together. We look at each other, smiling like idiots.

"I like you too, Loki." I tell him. Then I realize something. "We can't tell anyone."

Loki looks at me, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Peter is going to freak out. When I was 10, I had this "boyfriend". When I told Peter, he thought I was going to leave him and had a full-fledged panic attack. I can't do that to him again. Not till I know what he think of me dating again. Plus, Tony would never stop teasing us. Probably Thor and Nat too."

"Alright. We'll keep it a secret till we're ready to tell the others." He replies sweetly.

I smile lovingly at him. "Thank you."

"Anything for you." He said, and kissed me softly. We pulled away and went back upstairs for dinner.


Thanks for reading! hope it wasn't bad. Just so you know, the reason I made it a secret was that in the previous chapter I had Felicity say she was single, so I had to play in that way.

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