Chapter 24 : Job interview and revealation

Start from the beginning

“no and that wasn’t either what I wanted to say?”

“it wasn’t?”

He shake his head and said “I met this girl today, I can’t remember what’s her name? But she’s a genius. Her professors told me that she’s been the valedictorian since last three years in economics, won gold medals everytime she entered into any economics Olympiad”

I shake my head and said “your point?”

“My point is that I’ll appoint her as you help”

I furrowed my eyebrows and said “you mean P.A. but Tiffany is doing just good I don’t need a replacement”

He shake his index finger  and said “she’s not going to be your P.A. she will help you in all the works you do. You two would work simultaneously as a team until she learns everything”

“what do you mean? You wanna fire me by giving my job to another person?”

He smiled and said “I’m not going to fire you son. I’m going to promote you”

When I did not speak anything he said “I’m getting older day by day and I’m bored of all these works. I’ve been working here since last thirty years. And it’s time now to appoint a new CEO.”

“you mean…”

“yes son I mean you’ll be appointed as the new CEO of carter corp. and so as to fill your vacant position I need an eligible employee which I have seen in that girl. She’s efficient and I want a good employee to understand the market trends.”

“but dad I’m not ready”

“that’s not my problem son. But I see you’ve done more than amazing in these seven months. And I’d be visiting here often. You won’t be alone”

To imply the thought of me as the CEO is not at all peaceful. It involves a lot of responsibility

“are you sure dad?”

He nodded yes. Well, he’s right I have to be ready some day and I have to bear this responsibility one day.

“okay, but let that new girl settle first”

He smirk and said “she’s quick and smart she’ll be a competitor for you too.  I’ve seen her records”

I cocked an eyebrow and said “there’s no one who can give me a competition. I’m the best”

“We’ll see. Prepare some questions as you’ll be taking her interview”

“Well, isn’t that the job of HRM department?”

he nodded and said “it is. But I can’t let a brilliant brain to pour itself in front of idiots. I want you to see her eligibility. After all, she’s gonna be your replacement”

To be honest I don’t like the idea of interviewing this girl. But dad is too much impressed from her. And I hate the idea she can give me competition.

“Whatever. When have you asked her to come?”

He see his wrist watch and said “well, like in an hour”

What the hell. I promised Grace to take her out and have a talk about all the things I hid from her. It’s a big day for and I wanted to celebrate it with her; for her.

“I can’t make it today. Tell her to come tomorrow”


“Because I have to be somewhere important. It can’t wait”

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