Chapter Nineteen

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England looked nearly queasy at the speech but he chose to ignore the retaliation anyway. Japan noticed that unlike the Brit neither Canada nor France looked bothered, perhaps that were more accustomed to it? Or maybe they knew how to block it out, Japan didn't really see France spending all too much time with the American after all so the second was probably true with at least him.

"Alright," Japan nodded swiftly, "So we have learned that this was a possibility?" His mind was racing, but he wasn't going to tell the others why. He had already guessed about this, but he couldn't reveal anything to the rest of them in case he was wrong. It didn't matter how much they were supposed to brain-storm together, it still felt like it was exclusively his project.

"Yes, we did learn it was a possibility," England dead-panned, "but not much else."

"Don't beat yourself up," Canada muttered, patting the personification on the back before raising his voice and addressing the rest of them, "this is a wonderful advancement, even if we had a long way to go from here it is very important,"

England murmured a word of thanks under this breath and America nodded furiously, showing his appreciation even though his mouth was full. France nodded slowly, though a slight frown was still visible on his face, "It still doesn't explain any good reason why someone would use it, even if the potion exists..."

"Perhaps," England retaliated, "it was out of curiosity?"

"Curiosity?" France narrowed his eyes, folding his hands gently on the left side of his face and resting his head there, "this is one hell of a thing to be curious about..."

"Whoa whoa whoa," America waved his arms, having apparently finished his food by now, "we don't have to jump to conclusions, we still don't even know if this happened, and if it is this is some pretty intense beginner's luck as investigators."

"True," England mused, "but it's a start."

"A start that is using a lot of energy!" America exclaimed, "Probably statistically speaking we don't need to study this!"

"I'm at least two percent certain that isn't how statistics work," Canada rolled his eyes, capitalizing on the ridiculousness of his twin's outburst, "Any lead is a good lead in the beginning, we need this."

"But I don't think it's a good idea! I might not understand statistics but I still don't think we should put everything into this," America pouted, "And plus, me and Iggy-"

England cut him off, glaring angrily towards him with a look of 'we will talk about this later' burning in his eyes, "As Mathew said, any lead is a good lead, stop bloody arguing, it's annoying."

Japan patted America on the head but nodded as well, "Please let us research this Alfred, I know you don't get along with Yao but I hope you can cooperate with us, you can truly be a big help when you put your mind too it, so please let use have this."

"Fine," America crossed his arms and leaned back, "but don't come running to me when it leads us in the wrong direction,"

They were silent until France spoke up. "It still doesn't make any sense, why would anyone voluntarily use this, especially if it's risky?"

England shook his head, "I'm not sure, but stop bringing up senseless topics, if it doesn't help the conversation move forward it's not important, so I would appreciate it if you don't mention that again."

"It's not a senseless topic mon amour," France grit his teeth, "it's a genuine question, and I'm sure an answer could bring us to the bottom of this- or at least to if this is the wrong path or not- much faster than slow translation."

Medicine = Magic [RoChu Fanfiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora