Chapter 10: Ground Rules

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Aizawa analyzed the boy before him, wondering what made him have such a powerful quirk. He didn't look like he should have it, but at the same time it's not right for him to assume someone shouldn't have a quirk based on looks. He looks Izuku in the eye and asks a single question: "Izuku Midorya....where did you get your slime quirk?" He asks, in a serious tone.

Izuku stares at Aizawa for a moment. Crap...AllMight might have never told him about where I got my quirk... he thinks nervously to himself. It wasn't a guarantee that AllMight would have told them everything, as evidenced by the relay of that message from the acceptance message, but did AllMight really have to go that far?

"W-well..." Izuku sighs "back whenever I was in junior high, about 10 months ago, a villain attacked me with a sludge quirk...that was the second time I ever took a quirk..." he says "and the first time I kept the quirk..."

Aizawa stared at the boy, looking for a falter in his breath or his eyes to flutter from a lie, but none of those came. Of course, he could be a naturally good liar, but...the way he answered that quotation, told him.....

"Alright then, I believe you..." he folds his arms "but we have to lay ground rules due to the nature of your quirk, as AllMight has went into detail about it more than the rest about you..." he looks at Izuku "did AllMight personally train you himself due to your quirk..?"

Izuku gulps a bit, and nods. He honestly wanted that under wraps, considering that if anyone found out, they would be jealous or hating towards him, calling him a cheater for training up with the number one hero.

Aizawa sighs. Of course this kid trained with him. Clearly the kid was worried about others knowing, but...based on Medical records and such, it appears the kid was bullied due to the nature of his quirk, and as such, never attempted to use it outside of the specified and known times. He assumes AllMight helped him out so he would stay on the right track, and not snap due to the bullying and possibly become a dangerous, if not, the most dangerous villain. I guess that's a plus in AllMights ring.

"Okay..." he says "now, all I ask are a few rules, okay? I know it may seem tougher for you, but due to the nature of your quirk, that can be used for more villainy than good...because you could sabotage students or take quirks from them permanently..." he says "and I know what you'll say....that you would never do that...but you'll slip up, I've known people like you do that..." he says.

Izuku nods. Of course he would have some rules placed before him, but he already took precautions to make sure that they'll be safe. He even did a bit of stress training to make sure he didn't snap accidentally and take someone's quirk by force during a fight.

"Now, for the first rule, don't take quirks unless you have explicit permissions from a teacher or the person in question, and always return it unless ordered to keep could actually be an asset to my class, since you could take a quirk from a problem child away until they learned they're lesson..." he says

"Could....I not be used in that way..? As a punishment..?"

Aizawa smiles. That was actually a test, to see if this kid was done sort of spy, but based on that reaction....

"Okay, that's alright..." he say "the second rule is to not steal others quirks secretly, mainly after or before UA starts up or ends they're classes...." he says "we can't have you getting crazy powerful early on.." he says "and only break this rule if you are attacked by a villain...and even then, ask the police how high tier that villain was, and ask if they'res a chance to reform...if not, keep the quirk, both as a reward for putting a dangerous person behind bars and as a punishment for the villain." He says

Izuku actually nods yes to this one. He only did as he knew that most villains, under the right pretenses, should not have they're quirks. He's heard of so many villains using they're quirks to commit mass genocide in areas and escaping scot free. "I'll...accept that one..." he says

Aizawa nods. "And for the last rule, always let me or any other trustworthy staff know what sort of quirks your going to keep following the last two rules...we can't have you pull any surprises on us..." he folds his arms "plus, we need to keep up to date with your quirk of now, you have that quirk taking quirk and that sludge quirk....but if you gain any more, let us know.."

Izuku nods "understood sir..." he smiles " I promise to be a good student...even with my quirk..."

Aizawa nods and opens the door to the class, motioning him to enter.

"Did you get rid of that damn extra, Teach?!" Bakugo smiles.

Izuku walks in, which instantly makes Bakugo angry. "Dammit..." he folds his arms angrily.

Izuku sits by Ochaco again and smiles "I'm still was some rules for my quirk, is all..." he smiles

Ochaco smiles back "that's great!" She says, smiling back. "I'm happy that it wasn't anything to bad.." she says.

Before anyone else could relax, however, Aizawa spoke up above them all "everyone, please put on your designated uniforms as provided by you in class locker, and head to the field....we are doing a quirk apprehension test." He smiles a bit.

"That sounds fun!" A yellow haired student with a black electric looking style says

"Yeah!" The kid names Kirishima says "sounds manly!" He says

Bakugo smiles as well "a day where I can use my quirk whenever I wanna..." he smiles more and looks to Izuku with that terrifying gaze "is always a good day..."

Aizawa scoffs at the class as they murmured "oh, so you think this would be fun?" He smiles. "Well....let me tell you a little something will all be scored based on your performance...and the weakest link will be sent home..." he smiles a bit more sadistically.

(I know it's a bit shorter than the rest, but I took this as a build up chapter to a main event)

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