Chapter 9: Izuku, The Problem Child

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It had been a few days since the exams had came to a closing. Over those few days, him and Ochaco had been hanging out to get they're minds off the letters UA would send out, so they weren't as stressed. Still, however, the fact still remained wether or not Izuku and Ochaco did make it in. It stressed him out, even on the days he was with Ochaco. Sometimes, even Ochaco would have to shake Izuku a bit to get his mind back into the present moment, followed by him apologizing profusely about drifting off.

Then, the day finally came. Izuku's mother suddenly burst down the front door, holding a letter in her hand. "I-Izuku! Your letter!" She says, as Izuku stares at her for a moment, processing what letter she was referring to, until looking down at an envelope with a pristine UA seal on the cover.

"O-Oh gosh!" He called out, getting up from his couch and gently taking it from her. "Thank you for letting me know!" He called out. He quickly rushed out of the room, leaving Inko a bit flustered and confused at Izukus sudden exit.

Izuku, meanwhile, jumps onto his desks seat, and lays the envelope before him, staring at it for a few moments. This is it....I pray it wasn't all in vain... Izuku thought to himself nervously, as he opened the envelope gently.

Inside was a disk of some sort, which confused Izuku more than anything. Izuku noticed a small button on the top of it, and he gently clicks it. Suddenly, a large projection appears, with AllMights face on it, announcing loudly "I AM HERE! In a pre recorded projection!"

Izuku stared at the hologram in disbelief. "A-AllMight..?! But...why is he..."

AllMight interrupted his thoughts and words. "Yes! Izuku! My boy!" He smiles "this year, I'm announcing my role as a teacher in UA! Isn't that great!" He smiles more "now I can monitor your progress myself, and see how you grow as a student!" He says, and goes on. " you already know, you exhibited your true quirk in front of the teachers..."

Izuku froze for a moment. "Oh gosh...what if they..."

AllMight laughs, interrupting Izuku's thoughts once again. "The shock you gave them was astounding! But rest assured, I have told them the basics of your quirk! But please don't refer to you know who...." he whispers. "Only a select few I trust know your true quirks existence and family..." he says. He smiles a bit more again "but enough about all that..." he says "now for the results!"

Izuku practically sighs "thank gosh...wait..." he froze "RIGHT! THE RESULTS!" Izuku sorta yelled in panic.

"Now..." AllMight says "you actually did a great fact...the best job, actually!" He announced "you scored 50 robot points...but we also had a hidden point system no ones considered..."

"Secret...what..?" Izuku asks

"I can already tell your waiting in anticipation to know, even in this message! Well...." he smiles "you earned 60 bonus points for saving young Ochaco Uraraka during the exams, bringing your total to....110 points!" He smiles "the highest in the entire grouping!"

Izuku froze "h-highest....I'm the....." he sorta feels tears come out.

"And don't you worry about young Ochaco...she scored enough to make it as well! And I assure you, you and your newfound friendship can flourish even in've both made it to the best of all the my opinion...class 1-A! The same class I was in and graduated from!"

Izuku couldn't believe what he had heard. The constant years of everyone telling him that he was going to be a villain...and all the pain they inflicted on him, seemed to melt away. This was his life now, and he felt like this was his destiny.

AllMight extended his hand out towards Izuku. "Young man...I would like to personally welcome your hero Academia!" He smiles " the world the future of heroes...because I, and the rest of the world, count on you!" He smiles

The Quirk Taking Hero, Deku! (A my hero what if)Where stories live. Discover now