Chapter 7: The Physical Exams

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Izuku stares at the crowd of kids as he nervously tied up his sneakers again and again. It had only been a few minutes since he had say down, and already he was dying of embarrassment and stress. "Oh my gosh..." he says to himself. "This wasn't a dream, this wasn't a dream, this wasn't a...."

Suddenly, he could feel a tap on his shoulder. He thought it would be Ochaco since Bakugo would've attempted to blow his head off or hit him in the back of the head with either his fist or a book. But as he turned, he saw a tall dark haired student with glasses looking down on him. Izuku tried to regain his composure, but he just sputtered a bit.

"Already making a terrible first impression, fellow student? Are you sure this school is right for you?" The kid asks "this school is for the top students that usually want to be the best, and yet here you are, a sputtering mess when you meet a fellow student..." he sighs "that is unacceptable behavior for a possible future student of UA!"

"I....uh....." he looks around, and points to himself. "Are you...uh...talking to me..?"

The student stares angrily at Izuku. "An dm now your somewhat stupid? Of course I'm talking to you! I tapped on your shoulder! Agh..." he folds his arms "and earlier, you screamed that teachers name at the top of your lungs like some fanboy...while I admire that you pay attention to the heroes that save us everyday and night, I still think that your just some kid that wanted to get into UA to meet your heroes...if you don't straighten up, well I'm sorry to say, UA will be a waste of your time..." he says.

"I....o-okay...." he sputters. Just then, another person taps on his shoulders, to which he jumps. He looks over to see it's Ochaco again, and sighs in relief. "'s a friendly face.."

Ochaco looks at the two, and Izuku sputtering things. "Uh...did I...miss something..?" She says

The student stares at Ochaco "oh? And you just be that girl that had to put up with this cretin's distractions! On his behalf and the schools, I apologize for any inconvenience this manchild brought upon you..."

"Hey!" She says, a bit mad. "I thought he was a cute and nice guy! You can't just go up to students and assume that they're terrible because of things they done!" She folds her arms

"Wait...y-you think I'm..." Izuku blushes a bit and looks away.

The student then freezes in his tracks. "Oh...oh my...I mean...your right....I've judged you to harshly, possible fellow classmate..." he bows "I apologize!"

"N-no it's...okay. I'm used to being..well, treated like I wasn't perfect by others..." he sighs.

The student looks up alarmed. "And how is that so? That seems awfully rude of everyone to assume a persons bad because of...what they've...done..." he facepalms himself. " idiotic of me! Why did I get mad...ugh..." he sighs. "Well I apologize for anything I said...I'm just on edge with all this testing and what not...if you'll excuse me.." he turns and waves "I have to train myself...focus on the task ahead.."

Ochaco cocks her head. "Alright....well...uh...Izuku..." she smiles "I hope that I helped enough! I didn't want you to be all stressed out on the...." she turns and looks down to see Izuku a bubbling mess, before realizing that in her short burst of anger, she called him cute. She blushes and picks him up. "Oh my gosh I'm so so sorry! It was a heat of the moment thing I swear!"

Izuku snaps out of it, and nods "r-right...heat of the moment..." he smiles "but thanks...really. I didn't wanna feel less of myself before the test started...I want to keep myself stress free and worry free for this!" He smiles.

"Well..." she gets up and dusts herself off. "I'm gonna go over know, take something breathing exercises before the exam to calm any nerves before the exams...I hope to see you in class!" She says, before running off.

"Y-you too!" Izuku calls out. For once he didn't feel stressed, and sighs a bit. Already he's made a new friend and a potential one, based on that glasses wearing guys morals and such. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as he thought once he got into UA.

After a few minutes of the crowd chatting away or focusing, a voice crackled onto the PA system, one that clearly was Present Mic again. "WELCOME ALL YOU KIDDINS!" He yells. "CAN I GET AN OH YEAH FOR ME AND THE EXAMS AHEAD?!" Present Mic eagerly listens for any voices, but none come. The crowd was silent. "OKAY! STRAIGHT AND SERIOUS THIS BUNCH IS....I DIG IT!" He says. "NOW.....YOUR ABOUT TO START YOUR EXAMS IN..." the gate opens as the students waited for Present Mic to start a count down. "NOW! GO GO GO! HEROES DON'T WAIT FOR OTHERS TO TELL THEM TO GO!"

The crowd looked confused for half a second before they started to run frantically. Izuku starts to run with that same panic, before he remembers he has a slime quirk stockpiled on him. He quickly turns his arms to slime and starts to swing against the walls of the doorway, leading into a makeshift city. Suprisingly, his slime could be pretty sticky if he wanted to, so swinging above the crowd actually was more easier than it looked. Some students looked up in a bit of awe, slam anger and disappointment. Either way, Izuku swing into the fray.

As Izuku lands, he suddenly turns to a green slime form. His body, in this state, was made completely of slime except for his eyes. He slithered around the arena, taking out some hits with ease by slipping into theyre cracks and crevices and tearing them apart from the inside. Eventually, after about 5 robots were destroyed, he started to rip apart the more advanced looking ones, as these ones seem to  have they're cracks either tighter and more concealed or even have no cracks visible on them.

Izuku was actually having a fun time with this. He loved this freedom of using his quirk. Then he heard a yell from a random student, who was cornered into a wall. He instantly ran up to the robot and tore it apart from its chest. He reforms back to his human for and picks up the boy from his hand. "Don't worry! I got you!" He calls out.
From the rooms above the testing area, several teachers watched these new potential students gleefully tearing apart the robots. A small mouse like man smiles. "It seems that these examinees are roaring and ready to be admitted into UA! Look at they're form and valor they're displaying!"

A rather depressed man sitting in a sleeping bag scoffs. "Well, what do you expect? They're wanting to be like us..." he folds his arms and then takes a juice box out, drinking his juice a bit before sighing, and looking to a buff man in the room. "So...AllMight..." he says. "You keep looking at slime boy over there...any particular reason?"

AllMight smiles "none whatsoever! I'm just interested in his style...and the fact he is one of the few students to take time to help others intentionally.." he lied a bit. But still, him seeing Izuku made him giddy and smile. That's my boy! He smiles.
Meanwhile, above the testing area, on top of the walls, a bluish haired man with a glove mask stares at the testing below, scanning for a "green slime guy" that his master had told him to watch and study for. A smoky apparition with yellow glowing eyes stares at the man. "So....apprentice. I understand that you have an itching to go into the fray, but...please do consider that our master has given orders not to attack..."

The blue haired man sighs and scratched his neck. "I already know, Kurogiri....I know...I just...ugh...I wanna show these brats what they should fear...look at these brats smile like as if nothing could go wrong...and yet....they don't even know that they're being watched..."

Just then, after a few minutes of silence, a loud boom can be heard.

"And there's the fun part...." the blue haired man smiles "the zero pointer I've heard so much about..."

The Quirk Taking Hero, Deku! (A my hero what if)Where stories live. Discover now