CHAPTER 2 -Wet shirt and Misunderstandings

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to, you know who you are :) I didn't intend to update this fast but you encouraged me to do so. A big thanks :)

Enjoy guys!



Wet shirt and Misunderstandings

Thank goodness I removed everything before my skin touches that pathetic woman's coffee.

If it is another situation, I definitely would not just run away without giving her some curses and punches, we are both women anyway! But hell no, it could have been worse if I hadn't gone away and put some ointment on the parts of my chest and feet which are already swelling as I ran away from the scene.

Upon the touch of that liquid, I had no choice but to go to the nearest restroom. I just hide inside the cubicle while rummaging inside my backpack where you can find all kinds of a topical cream.

There had been few breakouts already. Luckily, it had not been too severe. Still, I had the dose of my antihistamine just to be sure.

I gathered all my things and prepare to go home as I wear my boots again. This time, thankfully, I have a spare shirt inside my ever-handy bag. I wear it carefully to not touch the swelling parts with ointment.

After a few hours after arriving home, it's dinner time. Most of my meals like today's menu is a vegetarian food pack. It is being delivered to my house every three days from the main house a.k.a. my parent's household.

Growing up, I have never been fond of vegetables. However, ever since I was diagnosed with this allergy to water, I also need to change my diet so that my body would not produce too much oil. So, my ever-hated carrots, bottle gourd and mustard leaves had been part of my meal now and then.

As much I love carbs and sweets, with tightly closed eyes, I cut off most of it. I can't exercise that much for I might sweat heavily and it can mean fatal to me, so here I am. I am enjoying my vegetarian dinner heated straight from the microwave.

'Luca, this lettuce taste great right?!'

I scoff as I told Luca that lie. I continue eating everything included in the food packs using my disposable utensils. Yes, you guess it right. As many dreaded washing dishes, I can just refuse to do so just by simply saying 'Hey, I can't touch the water you know?!' Well, you are quite envious of me now, right?

(A/N: Shout out to those who are always the family's human dishwasher. Lol.)

After dinner, I went to the bedroom. Because of that allergy attack earlier today, even though it is not that severe as those previous ones before, I still can't help but be quite sad about my situation.

I got reach out for the picture frame on the bedside table. They're smiling at me four happy people. My mom, dad, my older brother and a long-haired kid with a smile that can vanish all the problems in the world-- the nine-year-old me. That is far opposite than the reflection of the woman in the mirror adjacent to my bed.

Color Them Yellow (A girl who is allergic to Water)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora