Silent Treatment

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Pairing: Scott x reader

Genre: Fluff

Characters: Scott, Stiles, Y/N.

Description: Y/N is a very sensitive soul and overhears Scott talking about her to Stiles. She gets the wrong end of the stick and gives Scott the silent treatment, during which time she hurts herself. She tries to hide it but Scott sees and becomes worried.

You and Scott have been together for about a year and you couldn't be happier. Even though you can be overly-sensitive Scott always manages to make you feel better, unless he is the one that caused you to be upset in the first place.

You and Scott were over at Stiles' house studying for the final. You had gone to the bathroom but stopped on your way back when you heard Stiles mention your name.

"So, how are things going with Y/N?" Scott put down his pencil and began to wring his hands together.

"Things are going good, I've just been thinking about a few things lately." Stiles raised his eyebrows at this. "What sort of things?"

Your eyes began to tear up at this. Usually when people say they're thinking about things, they're going to break up with them.

"I think I have a bit of a problem and I don't know how to tell Y/N." Scott's head hung low as Stiles rubbed his back in reassurance.

After hearing this, your eyes began to stream with tears. Without grabbing your stuff, you ran down the stairs and out of the front door, slamming it behind you. Scott and Stiles looked up at each other and realisation dawned on their faces.

"Do you think she heard what we were talking about?" Scott crawled over Stiles' bed and craned his neck out of the window. "I'm not sure, dude. She could have just heard half of the conversation and freaked out, you know what she's like."

Scott gave Stiles a dirty look after saying this. "She doesn't 'freak out'. She's just overly-sensitive." Stiles rolled his eyes and handed Scott his phone. "Anyway, I think you need to call her, try and straighten things out."

Your phone buzzed and Scott's name lit up the screen. You swiped left and placed your phone back on your desk. You really couldn't believe what you had heard. Scott, the boy you loved with all of your heart, had a problem with you. Why he couldn't say it to your face, you would never know. Instead he decided to talk about you to Stiles. You weren't sure whether you were upset or angry at the situation. But what you were sure about was that you and Scott needed a little bit of space from each other, so you decided to give him the silent treatment.

Usually, Scott takes you to school. But this morning, you took the bus and left Scott staring at you, his mouth hung open in shock as you completely ignored him when you walked past.

Throughout the school day, Scott had been texting and calling you to ask you to talk, but you ignored him. Stiles even tried to talk to you, but you ignored him as well. Lydia tried to get you to open up but you knew that the boys had sent her to try and get you to talk.

After school, you managed to escape everybody and went for a run. The adrenaline running through your body as you exercised allowed you to forget about the situation you have found yourself in. You were so engrossed in your thoughts that you didn't notice the large tree root sticking out of the ground. You tripped over and fell, twisting your ankle. "Can anything else go wrong?" You let out a groan of frustration and limped your way back home.

At school the next day, you really tried your best to hide your twisted ankle. Putting as much weight on it as you possibly could. As you were walking, you could sense somebody following you and turned around to confront them.

"What?" You turned to see Scott and folded your arms. "How long have you been following me?"

"Since you left the house this morning. I seen you on your run yesterday, Y/N. You hurt yourself, let me help you. Please." Scott reached out to touch you but you pulled away.

"No. Why should I? You don't want to be with me anymore. Apparently, you have a 'problem'." You began to walk (well, limp) away when Scott reached for your arm and pulled you back.

"Why on Earth would you think that I wouldn't want to be with you? You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you." He gave you a small smile and brushed his fingers across your face.

"Well, why did you say you had a problem then? I thought I was the problem." Your head hung low with sadness but Scott lifted it back up with his fingers.

"No, the problem I had was I didn't know how to tell you that I wanted you to go to the formal with me. I wanted it to be special. I'm so sorry, I should have just asked you without going to Stiles first." Scott leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your lips.

"No, I'm sorry, Scott. I acted completely over the top, as usual. And to show you how sorry I am, I'll go to the formal with you and make it the best night you ever had."

Scott lifted you up into his arms and twirled you around, planting a heavy kiss to your lips. He placed you down gently on the floor, careful not to injure your ankle, took your hand and helped you to your next class.

Lets just say, the formal was a magical night for both of you.....

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