Protective Arms

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Pairing: Jordan Parrish x reader (platonic)

Genre: Fluff

Characters: Jordan, Y/N

Description: Y/N and Jordan are best friends. For the moment, Y/N is sleeping in Jordan's spare bedroom. One night there's a thunderstorm which Y/N really doesn't like, so they seek Jordan for comfort.

You hated thunderstorms, absolutely hated them. Ever since you were a kid, you would hide in the corner of a room until the storm had passed. You thought that you would have grown out of it by the time you were an adult, but nothing has changed.


A loud clash of thunder struck once again right outside the bedroom window. You were hiding underneath the sheets, crying and shaking. The room lit up with the flash of the lightning a few seconds later, causing you to jump slightly. You couldn't take anymore, you hated being alone when there's a thunderstorm.

You were currently living with your best friend, Jordan, but he didn't know about your fear. You thought it was a stupid, childish fear and you didn't want him to think badly of you.

You tried to hold on and ride the storm out by yourself but nothing you was doing was working. When the next clash of thunder came, you jumped out of your bed and tiptoed down the corridor towards Jordan's room. The door was cracked open a little and you could see that, somehow, he was sleeping soundly through all of the noise.

You stood in the doorway and debated whether to turn back, not wanting to disturb him but when another flash of lighting came, you quietly snuck into the room and scrambled under the covers. Jordan let out a groan and moved away, his eyes opening slightly.

"What are you doing?!" You didn't answer and kept under the covers with your eyes closed tight. "Y/N, hey, what's wrong?" He woke up a little more and sat up, rubbing a tentative hand up and down your back. The motion seemed to soothe you a little so you poked your head out from under the sheets and turned around, giving him a sheepish smile.

"Hey." He furrowed his brows at you. "You can't just sneak into my room and jump into my bed like a maniac and just say 'hey'. Why did you do that?" You shuffled further up the bed until your head landed on the pillow. "Well, I've never really mentioned this before but I have a pretty bad fear of thunderstorms and, erm, well, I got really scared with this storm and I wanted to cuddle so..... I came in here."

Jordan looked at the digital clock and shook his head. "You snuck into my room at cuddle?" You blushed slightly and nodded your head, bringing the cover up over your head again. Instead of huffing or laughing at you, Jordan lifted the cover from off your head and brought you into his chest.

"You should have told me sooner, Y/N. I would never have let you sleep alone in this if I'd have known. Promise me there's nothing else you're not telling me?" You shook your head in answer. "Thank you for understanding." He smiled and pecked the top of your head. "It's alright, go to sleep now."

For the rest of the night, each time thunder struck or lightning flashed Jordan cuddled you closer to him and tightened his arms, protecting you from your fear. That was the first time that you hadn't been as scared as what you usually were and it was all thanks to your best friend and his protective arms.

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