The Alpha's Best Friend

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Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x fem!McCall!reader

Genre: Fluff

Characters: Stiles, Y/N, Scott

Description: Y/N is Scott's little sister and she has to find a way to tell him that she's in love with his best friend.

"You know, we do have to tell him. He's gonna find out, and I'd rather it be from us rather than him walking in on us like this."

You and Stiles were laying together on your bed, basking in the afterglow of what you could only describe as the best sex you had ever had. You trailed your fingers up and down his chest, chewing your lip anxiously.

"I know, I know. Just with his temper recently, he's very unpredictable." "Hey." Stiles hooked his fingers under your chin and brought your head up to face him. "Everything's going to be ok." He kissed your lips which seemed to release all of the anxiety you were just feeling.


You and Stiles were sitting on the sofa in your living room awaiting Scott's arrival from work. Your leg was bouncing anxiously, moving quicker and quicker as time ticked on. Stiles noticed and placed a hand on your knee, his fingers pressing patterns into your skin.

The sound of Scott's motorbike sounded outside and your breath hitched immediately. "It's going to be alright." Stiles pressed a kiss to your temple and removed his hand from your knee when Scott opened the front door.

He immediately sensed something was wrong with the aroma you were giving off. "Y/N, what's wrong? Has something happened?" You shook your head and motioned for him to come and sit with the two of you.

Scott raised his eyebrows questioningly but followed your motion. "What's going on?" You could tell that Scott was becoming increasingly impatient with the slight tone change of his voice. You swallowed slowly and took a deep breath. "Scott, there's something that I've been meaning to tell you for a while now. I just hadn't gathered up the courage to do so."

Scott leaned closer, his elbows resting on his knees. "And what does it have to do with Stiles?" He moved his attention over to his best friend who was trying his best to stay calm, but his elevated heart rate and increased breathing was giving him away.

You grabbed Stiles's hand and gave him a smile before turning back to Scott. "I'm in love with him, Scott. I have been for a while. We've been seeing each other for a couple of months, in secret, to see where our relationship would go. It turns out that...I've fallen for him. I love him, Scott."

Both Scott and Stiles raised their eyebrows. " love me?" You grabbed his other hand and squeezed gently. "Yeah, I do. I didn't know when the right time was to tell you. I didn't know how you were going to react." Stiles's face lit up as he engulfed you in a hug. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say that. I love you to, Y/N. I have done for a really long time."

Scott shook his head. "What?! When did all this happen? How did I not see this happening right under my nose?" "We've been very careful Scott. Nobody knows, not even mom. You were the first person that we both wanted to tell. You mean so much to the both of us."

Scott rested his head in his hands before looking back up at the both of you with a wide grin on his face, chuckling. "You haven't been as careful as you think. I've known since the beginning, Y/N. I seen the sneaky glances the two of you had been giving each other. I've just been patiently waiting for the two of you to tell me."

You and Stiles stared at him with your mouths hanging open. "I have been so scared to tell you, Scott, and you're telling me that you knew this whole time?!" He sheepishly nodded his head before you walked over and slapped him on the back of the head.

"You could have at least gave me an indication that you knew so that I didn't have to crap my pants every time I seen you, you jerk." Stiles laughed at his best friends misfortune which caused you to let out a small giggle.

"Seriously though, I'm glad that it's you that Y/N fell in love with, Stiles. I couldn't think of anyone better to date my sister. But if you do anything, and I mean anything, I will hurt you." Scott flashed his red eyes at Stiles who shook his head at Scott. "You seriously don't need to do the big brother routine with me, I know what you'd do. Besides, I would never hurt Y/N, I love her too much."

You walked back over to Stiles and pecked him on the lips before taking your place beside him again. "Just please try and keep the PDA to a minimum, I really don't need to see my sister and my best friend getting it on every time I step foot inside the house." 

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