Eskimo Kisses

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Pairing: Stiles x reader

Genre: Slight Angst, Fluff

Characters: Stiles, Y/N, Derek, Liam, Malia, Scott, Kira

Description: After a rather rough night hunting down the supernatural, Stiles and Y/N decide to destress the best way they know how.

Cold air was hitting your face as you found yourself running through the woods, away from a supernatural monster. You were cursing yourself underneath your breath as you stopped and hid behind a tree to catch your breath. Why on earth you volunteered yourself to be bait, you would never know. Stiles was not happy about it at all, but somehow Scott had reassured him that you would be fine and that the rest of the pack would be on standby.

You looked around you and noticed several pairs of glowing eyes in the darkness surrounding you. Two pairs of blue eyes, two pairs of golden yellow and one pair of fiery red stared back at you. You nodded your head and took off further into the woods, the creature immediately following you. You were heading towards the trap that you and the pack had set up for the creature. You could feel your body begin to get tired as your legs and arms began to ache. “C’mon, Y/N. Just a little more to go.”

As the finish line was in sight, you could sense that the creature was right behind you. You changed direction in an attempt to slow it down but to no avail, the creature caught up to you and grabbed you from behind, throwing you on the ground. Hot, animal breath filled your senses as you stared straight up at the creature. You could hear growls coming from each side of you, and you knew exactly what was going to happen.

Derek and Malia were the first ones to attack, jumping on the creatures back. The creature stumbled back, allowing you to crawl to safety. Next, Kira and Liam jumped into action and attacked from both side, catching the creature by surprise. You watched from the side-lines as the fight played out in front of you. Claws and swords were wounding the creature, allowing them to take it down. A low growl sounded at the side of you and you instantly felt calm, recognising the growl. A pair of red eyes flashed at you before walking over to the creature.

“What in the hell are we supposed to do with this?” The pack turned to their Alpha, who was surveying the creature. “Erm, we could take it to the animal clinic?” Scott began to itch the back of his neck anxiously whilst the rest of the pack mulled over the decision. They turned once again to their leader and nodded. Derek and Liam heaved the creature over their shoulders and began the short journey to the clinic. Scott turned and walked over to you, holding out his hand for you to take.

“Now, let’s take you to Stiles. If I know him at all, he’s going to be going out of his mind worrying about you.” You stood up and walked with Scott towards his bike, ready to relax with your boyfriend.

You flopped onto Stiles’ bed and let out a groan, your muscles relaxing for the first time that night. You heard the front door close and footsteps making their way up the staircase. When the door opened to Stiles’ room, you rolled in that direction with a small smile on your face. Stiles walked through the doorway and made his way towards you, gathering you in his arms.

“Scott told me what happened, are you okay?” Stiles moved away and held your face in his hands, your eyes meeting his. You nodded and gave a small smile. “I’m alright, Sti. Just a little tired.” Stiles placed a small kiss to the top of your head before laying you down on the bed, him laying down beside you. You turned on your side to face Stiles who was staring at you with worry in his eyes. “Tonight, when you walked out that door, I didn’t know whether I was going to see you again. Every second you weren’t with me, I was worrying so much that you were going to get hurt, or worse. I really don’t know what I would do without you, Y/N. I love you so much.”

A small tear escaped the side of his eye as he finished his sentence. You wiped away the tear with the side of your thumb and moved close to him, your foreheads touching. “You’re never going to loose me, Stiles. I am always going to be here, with you. Trust me, I am never doing anything like that again.”

You began to rub your nose against Stiles, a small smile beginning to form on your lips. Stiles returned the favour, his nose rubbing against yours. Doing this calmed both of your minds and gave both of you a small piece of calm. Lying with each other and giving Eskimo kisses is the best way you both knew to calm each other down.

You carried on rubbing your nose against Stiles until you felt a pair of soft lips attach themselves to yours. Your eyes fluttered closed as you lost yourself in the soft kisses. Stiles’ hands found themselves on the side of your face, his thumbs rubbing on your cheeks. Your hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to you.

Stiles broke the kiss and looked down at you, love and admiration on his face. “You need to sleep, baby. We can continue that later.” You whined a little before Stiles turned you around, spooning you. You closed your eyes and let the soothing beat of his heart lull you to sleep.

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