Jack x Arthur (Tangled!AU) Part 2

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14 years ago

The crunching of grass and dirt could be heard under fast footsteps, their silhouette could be seen through the trees as they ran fast while the ground behind them shook and trembled, large feet making the ground shake- A Giantess, it chased after the small silhouette who turned a curve and hid under a tree.

"Where are you?~" the Giantess asked, her voice laced with a hint of playfulness and question on her tone, she smiled as she started peeking through the tree's finding the the small silhouette through the forest, muffled giggles could be heard from a tree beside her, she smiled "I wonder where could my little one be? Oh well I guess he's not here" she tapped her chin in a thinking manner and dropped her arms to the side and in defeat as she started to walk away, the smaller frame looked up trying to see if the giant had left, as soon as he stepped out a large hand grabbed him "I got you!" the giant said as the smaller frame squealed and giggled as he sat down on her palm and smiled up at her "Again, Again!" He smiled, the boy had long blonde hair as it stopped at midway on his back, he wore a large white long sleeved shirt, clearly too big for him as it looked like it was a dress for him, his diamonds eyes shined as he smiled brightly, light freckles dotted around his cheeks then across his nose.

"I would love too my dear but I have to go" the giantess said as she walked off, still carrying the boy on her palm "Aww, Why can't I go as well?" The boy pouted as he stood up and walked over to one of her fingers, holding onto her thumb as he felt the wind run through his face, he could see the sun almost setting, his long hair flowed mid air, the giant smiled at him.

Soon a small field came to a clearing, small patches of flowers with a small cottage in the middle, the giantess knelt down as she placed her hand down letting the boy jump off "Because- You are safe here with us... Jack, I know that you might think it's unfair but it's for the best my little one" she said in a gentle tone, the tip of her finger is gently pressed against the boy's cheek, the boy leaning towards her touch as he a small smile "Okay Nana" he said and hugged her finger, the giantess smiled.

The little boy pulled away letting the giantess raise her palm in front of her as the little boy pulled up his sleeve and placed his tiny palm against her's, they both smiled as the giantess stood up and waved goodbye to the little boy who waved goodbye as well.

The Giantess met up with her husband and the other's they all climbed down the beanstalk as certain memory popped up in the Giantess' head, she could still remember the tragic memory, like it was yesterday.

It was a cold evening as she could remember, she was headed back to the island of the giants before she heard shouting, she looked around too see no other giants around other than herself, assuming that it was some human affair she shrugged it off until her eyes widen, her heart beating rather fast, she whipped to the sound's direction as a certain noise caught her attention, a child' cry.

She crouched down a bit so no human may see her, she soon saw at a farm field, a house was being burnt, a weeping woman being held down by two men while one held a crying child, angered- wanting to help but couldn't knowing very well that she shouldn't interfere with human affairs but not until she ignored it as she saw one of them had cut off the woman's head. The giantess could not stand it any longer as another man had came back to the rest of the three dragging a calf behind him, she stood up and stomped their way towards them, she picked up the man who held the child, the man frightened and so did the others as they fled leaving the calf, the giantess held her hand out "Give me the child and no harm shall be done" she growled at the man who trembled and handed the crying child to her palm, the giantess dropped the man into a wagon of wheat, grabbing the cattle as well, she pitied the woman who had died as the giantess glared at the man who had fled.

She looked down at the crying child, to her amazement she was entranced to the baby's eyes, their eyes shining diamond blue, the child looked up at her whilst crying, the giantess picked up the calf and placed it next to the baby, the calf laid down as the giantess moved the child closer to the calf for warmth. The child stopped its whining as he snuggled up closer to the calf, the giantess saw that the child was only wearing a large white sleeved shirt like it was a dress for him "Don't worry little one, i'll take care of you" She smiled softly as she walked off, glancing back at the burning house she, her eyes softened and kept walking back, climbing up the stalk just to see her husband "Where have you been?" He asked worriedly, his eyes trailed down to her palm to see the child and the calf sleeping peacefully "Where did they come from?" a hint of anger and confusion could be heard from his voice "They were in trouble-"

"You know very well that we never interfere with humans"

 "Yes I know that! But he's still a boy! I saw his mother die... I couldn't leave him while he was being stolen"

 Her voice was getting all raspy, tears were threatening to fall from her eyes as she held the child and the calf close to her chest, the giant sighed and had a soft look, he walked up to her and hugged her side and looked down at the child as well "Hm, it wouldn't be so bad to keep him..." the giantess looked up and smiled at her husband who smiled back "Thank you" She kissed his cheek making the giant chuckle, the giantess looked back down "I'll name you... Jack" She smiled.

"Welcome to the Giant's Island, Jack"

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