Headcanon for Jack

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The day has finally arrived!The day Jack and his mother will finally sail back home, or most likely back to the kingdom where his mother grew up in, Jack ran down the hallways and slid down the spiral stairs from the railings and hopped off and stuck the landing as he ran to the living room to see his mother bidding farewell to his father and with their luggage by the door "Jack! It's time to go!" His mother shouted.

"I'm here Maman!" Jack ran over to his father and hugged him "Goodbye Papa!" The boy smiled up to his father who smiled down at him and kneel'd down to his level just to pat the boys head "This is your first time sailing out to your grandparents, so when you get there, be sure to be-" Jack cut his father off "To be in my best behavior as possible! Don't worry Papa! Ill be a good boy to grandma and grandpa!" The boy smiled widely making his father chuckle and stand up "Come on now Jack let's get going, we wouldn't want to be late getting there" his mother said as she grabbed her closed parasol while walking out with a few guards already placing their luggage at the back of the carriage, Jack nodded and walked out as well and waved bye to his father as he and his mother got on the carriage.

The carriage soon started moving but before they could even get any further away Jack remembered something "Oh wait!" Jack stood up from his seat and peaked out the window and waved at his father who looked shocked to see his son "Papa!!! Don't forget! Tell Milky-White I'll be back Papa!!" His mother chuckled from the inside and smiled at her son's behavior "I will!" His father shouted back as Jack got back in and sat next to his mother "Are you ready to see your grandparents sweetie?" His mother asked making Jack nod with a smile as their carriage took them to the harbor where the boats were, they soon arrived there and got set to sail off.

They soon set off to the vast sea as Jack looked back at Fairy Tail island, his home;The sun was setting and soon Jack and his mother we're already tucked up in bed, sleeping so peacefully with a small storm brewing up outside, but what they didn't know is that another ship has been on their course, and now attacking their ship, Jack and his mother were woken up by a guard "Your majesties! You must get to safety! Pirate's are attacking!" Jack and his mother were scared the storm didn't help at all at the time being, Jack and his mother were soon led to another room next to their room as two guards were protecting the door.Jack was clinging onto his mother who looked at him with a sad look as she kissed his forehead and placed him down, she went to a chest and opened it, Jack looked at his mother but soon heard loud thuds, Jack immediately covered his ears from the screams and the thunder, he soon felt his mother wrap something around him, he looked down to see nothing, even his body and looked up to his mother confused, the woman had a blank expression and gave her diamond ring to Jack "Sweetie listen, do you see that trapdoor over there?" The woman pointed to a small door at the side as Jack nodded "This is an invisible cloak, use this to get in that trap door and out to the top once those pirate barge in okay?" Jack was now afraid, fear in his eyes, whats happening? Why is his mother saying these?"Maman...?" His mother looked at him with a sad look and kissed his forehead as they heard screams out the door, they both looked at each other as the woman guide Jack to the trapdoor and opened it "Jack go" "No, i'm not leaving you" "Jack, sweetie please, do this for maman, and tell papa I love him, and I love YOU" his mother said with small tears forming in her eyes while Jack shook his head as the door started getting loud crashing knocks, most likely breaking it down, his mother pushed him in and locked the trapdoor as Jack tried opening it but the door was blocked from the outside, he soon heard his mother screaming, her screams fading, Jack quickly looked around the small pathway and saw a ladder, he quickly climbed up and opened another trapped door which was inside the captains quarters, he quickly got up and used the cloak to hide himself as he closed the trapdoor again, he peaked through one of the captains windows and saw some of the guards including his mother and the captain being kept hostage, Jack didn't knew what to do, until he whimpered from the sudden thunder and curled up on the ground "What was that?" "It came from the captain's quarters!" Three large men immediately ran up to the door and barged in while Jack was right next to the door, holding his mouth shut, trying not to make any noise.

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