Not Cinderella (Pt.1)

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Requested by: midnightkillermare


"Y/N!" Snow's voice was what woke you up, not the alarm clock you snoozed five minutes ago... and the five minutes before that... You groaned and grumbled out "I should really have gotten to bed early...".

You now yawned and drawled out of bed, now heading for the bathroom not until you shouted "I'll be right there!" as you started your daily routine inside. You've been living with your sister in an apartment. 

Once you were finished, you now headed to your closet and got ready for another day in College!... How fun. You're a 1st year in your major as a [insert course]. Your grade's for your first semester are higher than the others and earned you the title of "Campus Nerd" but you didn't mind. You were used to it. You decided that there was nothing wrong with being smart or so your sister, Snow, complimented you about. Ah right! I forgot, your name is Y/N White. So yes, you're Snow White's sister.

"I was able to pack you breakfast, come on! We'll be late" Snow hurriedly said as she shoved a bento box in your hands, you grumbled and now grabbed your satchel from the living room and followed Snow. You both rushed for the bus stop where the bus was now getting ready to leave. 


You both shouted, you reached out your hand like you'd be able to grab the bus but alas you both as the bus had already left by the time you got to the benches "Damn it..." Snow panted as she groaned and looked at you "Ready to walk?".

You were about to reply when a car honked at the both you, startled you whipped your heads to find the source, just to see a jeep wrangler driving over. Snow recognized it as she sighed in relief when it pulled up next to them, the window by the passenger side rolled down, revealing Arthur with a grin on his face "Good morning ladies! Rather early eh?" He gave them a smug look as Snow rolled her eyes and gave him a look, Arthur pouted as he unlocked the doors.

Snow now got on the passenger side as Arthur gave her a morning kiss, in return Snow kissed back, pulling away with a smile "You're always late" she said in scolding tone but Arthur just gave her a shrug, you rolled your eyes at the couple and the moment you opened the door to the backseat, you're eyes widened as you blushed softly...

Merlin sat on the other side, asleep, his head thrown back with a book that covered his face. 

"Prince Charming over here stayed up late until three in the morning"

"Three in the morning? What's he doing up so late?" 

As you got in, you were careful to not wake up your highschool crush. As Arthur stepped on the gas, Merlin swayed to the side and fell on your shoulder, the book fell on your lap. You blushed red from how close you two were, Merlin snored as an indication he wouldn't be waking up so soon, thoughts started running through your mind as the couple's conversation muddled through your head.

'What would happen if he wakes up?'

'Stay calm, Y/N, just another two hours..'

'Please don't wake up, please don't wake up'

'Were his lashes this long? It's longer than mine! Ugh, to have that trait'

'What was he reading anyways?'

You looked down at the book and careful to grab it with your other hand, you stared at the title as it said 'How to sleep with your eyes open'... An idiot I tell you. You sighed then held a stifled yelp when Arthur ran past a speed bump, causing them to bounce up then plop down on their seats.

"Arthur! What did I say about speeding!"

"It was just a small bump and we'll be late if we don't get to Campus in an hour!"

Their bickering silenced through your pacing mind... You panicked on the inside with a red face, glancing down to see Merlin had dropped down from your shoulder to your lap, you were nervous... You didn't knew what to do when suddenly Merlin stirred in his lap, snuggling further on your lap. You were screwed in many levels.

You took a deep breath then breath out... This was fine, you just had to push him back to his seat, easy right? You then gently grabbed him by the shoulders and slowly got him off your lap yet to no success, Merlin just landed back to your lap. You huffed out in frustration, still a blushing mess but decided to let him stay on your lap.

"Uhm, how much farther?" You asked Arthur who replied "Just a few blocks away" You sighed in relief, once arriving at the parking lot, Arthur made a hard break which earned a yelp from Merlin who landed on the floor of the backseat, the couple looked back to see you just as surprised as them. Merlin groaned and said "What is it! Could've just woken me up like a decent person!"

"Uhhh Merlin... You fell"

"For you? Yeah I got that, can someone please just get me up" Arthur now laughed as Snow rolled her eyes but you sat there with a red blush of embarrassment as you got down and now decided to leave them "Y/N! Where are you going?"

"I'll catch up with you guys later!" Then booked it. Snow stood there confused as Arthur pulled out Merlin who groaned and rubbed his side, he watched you leave with a soft look but then yawned "I have to get going as well, I'll see you at practice, Arthur" He grabbed his bag and now left the couple who stood there confused, whats up with him? They shrugged as Arthur locked his Jeep before escorting his beloved girlfriend to her class.

As Merlin walked through the halls... He couldn't help but think about how comfortable he felt with his head on your lap...


To be continued? 👀👀 Sorry for such a short one, I apparently have to leave tomorrow early for a beach so I'll probably make two parts of this, I hope you had fun reading! Enjoy!

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