Dear Dolly(Chap.1)

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Doll AU and requested by Xianzemarville
(Jack x Hans)

School's back meaning that the gang are all in 10th grade, and all are entering the same university, Hans was specifically excited because he'll be able to see his good friend Jack, but all that excitement came crashing down when a year passed saying that Jack was missing, it was soon confirmed yet pressumed that Jack was dead, Hans didnt believe it, he didn't want to, he felt sad heck they even attended Jack's funeral even without the body in it! Hans' world fell apart at the loss of someone special to him he mourned and griefed the most amongst the other's his sister tried comforting him but it didn't work, nor did the other's attempt's work, but beauty was there, she helped Hans cope up with Jack's death and at this point, Hans thought... he lost the chance when he had it and now it's gone.

It was finally Christmas break! Thank the heavens! Hans was just upstairs in his room playing video games until his door opened revealing his sister Gretel "Look what I found at the forest!" Obviously she just came back since she was wearing a snow jacket and all, she soon showed him a doll?.... which looked like Jack... what? Gretel gave the doll to Hans "Beauty said to give it to you when she saw it! Anyways I have to go! Bye!!" Gretel left and closed the door, Hans inspected the doll, it looked so much like Jack, even the signature white long-sleeved turtle neck! Now Hans was a bit worried about this but shrugged it off and placed the doll on his desk and went back to playing video games.

The whole day went by like nothing happened, evening came and it was all just the same, and after playing some game's til' 12 am he was brushing his teeth in the bathroom until he heard something fell, he peaked out the bathroom with his toothbrush stuck in his mouth, he glanced around the room and shrugged it off until he heard someone calling him, he looked at his window and opened it and looked out to find no one was there, that was until he felt tugging at his pajama pants, he looked down and fell backwards, as he stared at the jack-doll-look-a-like who had a pout "Ive been trying to call out to you for a minute now!" The blonde doll huffed out and crossed his arms, Hans was still sitting there, shocked seeing the doll alive... could it be?, he soon crawled up infront of the doll and pinched it's cheek who hissed and slapped his hand away, but it wasnt that hard nor did it hurt so Hans just let go "Hans! What the fuck!? Why would you do that? Aahhh" the doll said and held onto it's cheek where Hans pinched, it's 'eyes' or buttons soon carved into an angry one "Im not dreaming.." the ginger breathe out "No duh, that's why it stung when you pinched me!" the doll hissed at the ginger haired guy who soon picked him up and placed him on his desk and went in the bathroom and rinsed his teeth and toothbrush and went back to his desk to see the doll with crossed arms and it's left foot tapping on the desk.

"Hans it's me Jack, you know the blonde narcissist? The so called french-loving-fashionista? Or have you hit your head somewhere on the ground?" The doll sassed at Hans who still look in audible shock and shooked his head trying to process what is happening "Oh yeah? Tell me something that only Jack would know?" The ginger said not wanting to believe that this 'doll' was indeed Jack, the doll groaned "During art class our teacher wanted us to do a painting or drawing so I drew you with big nostrils, I recorded you eating dog food once when we were in 8th grade, also argued about Jewelries and Food" the doll said as Hans stood their in disbelief.

"Wha- How?? You- We- I-" Hans was speechless, and soon having mixed feelings about this, he paced around the room as the doll looked at him, with a concerned look "What do you mean by how?" Hans stopped and looked at the doll and sat on his desk chair staring the doll's in it's eyes with all seriousness "You were pressumed dead, D-E-A-D, DEAD" Hans whisper-yelled, the doll looked at him with disbelief and laughed a little not wanting to wake anybody of Hans' family "Dead? But- I was just gone for a month or so?" The doll tried to find something negatice about this "You were gone for a YEAR, you're parent's even decided to have an investigstion on what happened but nothing showed up, not you or your car, and nothing of your belonging's were found... you were soon pressumed....dead" Hans' voice was shaking, not wanting to cry infront of the doll who had fear written across his face "What.., which mean's.. ive been in that forest... for... a year?... " The doll sat down and whimpered and curled up, most likely a crying action as it repeated the word 'No' over and over again.

Hans felt he had to something that he'd been doing whenever Jack was either upset, frustrated, worried, anxious or mad, he gently wrapped an hand around the doll and started petting his hair like what you would with birds, this somehow calmed the doll and leaned on Hans' hand, a comfortable silence took over them until "But... how did you even end as a doll in the first place?" Hans asked Jack who had a scrunched up face trying to remember the memory "I was in my car, on my way to the university until a deer just ran infront of my car out of nowhere and I stopped, good thing I didnt hit the deer yet I wanted to check on it and soon saw green mist covering the deer and the rest is blurry, I cant remember it that much, and all I know is that there's something inside my shirt at back that's been getting on my nerves... of cotton's" Jack said making Hans wonder and thought of it... green mist?  A deer out of nowhere?  And did he said something inside his shirt? Hans looked at the doll who was fiddling with it's 'fingers' "Take off your shirt" this made the doll look at the ginger haired man at disbelief "Excuse me?" Said the doll wanting to look intimidating but failed "You said there was something inside so take it off Or I'll do it" Hans said to the doll who scoffed and took off his shirt which was now inside-out, a note stiched onto the back part, saying;

"For those who wish for a cure, you must obtain 3 golden runes:
•1 rafadaline flower
•The light of the moon on leap year's eve
•purified salt
Mix thy two and drink before leap year ends."

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