Jack x Arthur (Tangled!AU) Pt.1

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The sun shined in the bright blue sky as it was a faithful day for a couple.

A cream colored room with golden trims was occupied with a crib like canopy was in the middle, its white curtains was tied letting anyone to see what was inside the crib, the ceiling of the room was painted like a renaissance painting of a sky, the tall white french doors opened as a couple walked in, both having blonde hair and blue eyes, the woman had a small baby bump as the couple walked up to the crib just to hear giggling, a smile plastered on the couple's face.

They soon stopped in front of it and looked in, a baby with diamond blue eyes looked up to them with a big smile as the sound of giggling escaped the blonde baby's mouth, the woman smiled widely and picked up the baby and cradling him as the man smiled and kissed both of their foreheads, the man grabbed the baby gently cradling them, the couple soon walked out of the room then down to a large balcony, the man held the woman's hand with one hand as the other held the child who had a smile all along, the both of them let go then waved to the people below their balcony.

This was a celebration of welcoming a new born... the Prince.

The couple were now on their way to princess Elphie's 2nd birthday, the carriage ran along a road to fairy's kingdom, not until they were stopped, The King held his wife and son close to him while the Queen protected her baby bump.

Their carriage soon rocked as a masked man came in and held a dagger in front of them "Say a word and i'll cut your throats– here me your majesties?" He growled as the King glared at the man as his wife held onto him while holding her son closely who had no idea what was happening.

The man and the baby soon locked eyes, the man was so entranced with the child, his eyes were like diamonds... Money, the man grinned under his mask "Give me your child and no one will get hurt" he said as he neared his dagger to them, the Queen shook her head as the King was enraged, how dare he– wishing to have his son, he'd rather give them his money than his child! "You will never have him!" The King growled at the man who shrugged "Your funeral your majesty" He grinned as he stabbed the King, the Queen screeched as she backed up to the corner of her seat whilst holding onto her child who was now crying, her eyes were now filled with terror as the man kicked the King at the gut and knocking him out with a punch, the man turned over to the Queen who trembled and held her son closely, the Queen's breathe hitched as she felt the tip of the dagger right at her baby bump.

"Give me the child... and i'll let you go" he said.

The Queen soon started tearing up as she started trembling "Please... No" she begged "Wrong answer your highness" He said he knocked her out with the back of his dagger, and before the crying baby could fall, the man caught the child, soon walking out to see the blood bath that had happened.

And what was surprising that he was all alone, he looked back down to the crying child, his diamond blue eyes full of tears, the man scoffed and got on his horse, trotting down the road and turned as he entered the forest, he soon arrived in front of a farm field, the man shushed the child who was still crying "Shut up!" He shouted as he kicked the side of his horse, galloping in front of the cabin as a woman came out looking all weary and tired.

The woman looked up and saw the man "What are you doing here- A child?" She asked concerned as the man gave the weeping child to her "Take care of it, and make sure that no one finds out about it" He growled to her and galloped his horse away, the woman looked rather confused as she glanced down to catch a glimpse of the baby's eyes, they were sparkling as the night sky reflected it, the baby was no longer crying as he held onto her "Oh you poor babe..." She mumbled and walked in her house

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