Jans (Chap.3)

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Short Story (Jack x Hans)

Beach Party (Modern AU)

As the group walked on the wooden path leading them to the beach, they looked over their surroundings and smiled/awed at how wonderful and a calming vibe it has, The couple we're right infront of the group chatting away with Arthur while the five behind them chatted their own conversation "So do you three have any different projects upcoming?" Asked Jack as he clipped his glasses on the middle of his shirt where the buttons were "Yeah! We were planning on inventing something that's kind of like a super power! But its a cloak instead!" Kio said while the other two nodded, this idea caught Jack's attention, and so did Hans "And we decided if you could help us with which material to use for the cloak, since your a designer" Pino added "We also wanted your opinion as well on it" Noki added "Well... After this little trip I dont have anything planned.... so... Yeah I'll help you, but let's discuss this more after the trip, sound's good?" Jack smiled at the triplet who beamed with excitement and nodded as they all said in unison "AGREED".

Hans looked at the four of them and smiled, he never held a grudge against the triplets since they're like brother's to Jack after all, but he also wondered... Why is his heart beating whenever he saw the blonde narcissist, speaking of narcissist the blonde pulled his pocket mirror and checked himself out, he then winked at the mirror which left the ginger to look away with a rising red hue across his face, Why is his face burning!? He and Jack are just friends! He would never hit on the blonde... right? After a few minutes of walking they finally arrived to the beach which was beautiful, the clear ocean and white sand, the wind giving a calming breeze to it, it felt all so magical to them as people walked on it as well while the other's getting a tan or swimming on the ocean.

"Wooww" Snow awed at the beach and took her sandals off and walked on the sand barefoot "This place is amazing!" She exclaimed like a giddy little child as she ran a little circle on the sand while the other's took off their footwear as well but not Jack of course, Hans looked back and saw the blonde still standing on the wooden path that was fading because of the sand whilst holding onto his footwear "Don't tell me you're scared, your 'highness'~" The ginger haired man teased at the blonde man who glared at him with pursed lips "Im not, I just dont.... feel like walking on sand at the moment..." Jack said as he glanced away nervously as he crossed his arms, does he have a fear of the beach? Nope, he's just not in the mood to do so, Hans thought of something and smiled at his idea as he walked infront of the narcissist and turned his back around and made a squat position, clearly giving the blonde a signal of a piggy back ride "Hop on, I'll carry you" Hans said as he looked over his shoulder "No, no, no, I am NOT gonna hop on your back Hans!" The blonde huffed "It would be a shame to see Snow all sad once she hears about this~" Hans cooed at the blonde who groaned, not wanting to see his friend sad because of him, he held his shoes on one hand.

"Give me your sandals so that you'll just have to carry me while I carry your sandals" Hans nodded as he gave them to the blonde who now got on Hans' back, Jack wrapped his arms around Hans' neck careful not to choke the german while holding onto their footwear, the ginger haired man soon wrapped both arms under the blonde's legs and walked off to the group who looked surprised to see them like that "Now isnt this surprising!" Merlin exclaimed "Getting all lovey dovey on this trip~" he soon added better yet teased the two "Merlin, I will throw my shoe at you if you dont consider shutting your mouth" the blonde snarled at dark haired man who made a 'ppsshh' sound "Alright, Alright, let's leave these two be and check out this beach" Merlin said while holding onto Snow's hand who smiled widely at the two of them and walked on while triplets made an 'oooo~' sound and run off next to the couple as the other two in tow while Arthur was walking next to them, a bit angry and jealous that the blonde man is on someone else's back instead of his.

The walk consisted of the triplet's teasing the blonde who kept glaring at them whilst the the ginger haired man enjoyed the company and the couple having fun teasing the two as well but for Arthur, he's just jealous, after walking for a few minutes they saw a bunch of shops and food chains as well, so they then decided that they should eat on one of the food stalls there but couldnt decide which "There's McDonalds!" "But Burger King is more fun!" "Why not KFC?" "How about Taco Bell?" They all continued to bicker, excluding Hans and Jack who looked at each other and back at the group "Why not let Hans decide?" This caught the german cook off guard as Noki walked up to them "So where to, Chef?" Noki asked while the group waited for the chef's suggestion "How about a seafood restaurant? I see one over there" Hans pointed at the restaurant which wasnt that far "It's decided then! To the restaurant!" Merlin said as they walked on over to it seeing that some of the customer's were on the outside part of the restaurant with a wooden flooring, Hans placed Jack down who felt relieved and placed his slips back on and gave the sandals to Hans while the other's did so as well, they walked in as some of the customer's immediately recognised Merlin from being an actor and all, a waiter walked up to them and asked how many they are, as Merlin said their were 8 of them so the waiter nodded and lead them to a long table which had a long chair on each side fitting three people in and one chair on each top side, Merlin and Snow sat on each of the one person chair with the triplets on the left side and the other three on the right side, of course Jack was left in the middle while Hans and Jack were on each side of him, they grabbed their menu's and scrolled through the food.

"Why are there snail's?" Arthur cringed "I have no idea, I ate some of those back then and not wanting to eat it again" Jack said while he shuddered at the thought of eating snails with his family back then "are you all ready to order?" Snow asked as they all nodded, Snow called in a waiter and asked their chosen meals, the waiter nodded as he wrote it on his pad and picked up all their menu's and left to get their order, the group chatted as they waited for their meals "Ok since Snow and I's wedding will be coming soon... who do you all plan on bringing as your 'dates'" Merlin asked as he scanned the 6 men on the table "No one really" Kio said while the other nodded as they all looked over to the other three "Well Im not sure if they'll agree with it, but Ill try asking them soon" Arthur said while crossing his arms on the table which left the two "Im... not sure..." the ginger haired man said while secretly glancing over to Arthur "Im not bringing anyone" everyone at the table soon looked at the blonde narcissist who was checking his face out with his pocket mirror "Why not?" Pino asked the blonde who sighed and closed shut his mirror and placed it back in his pocket "It's very complicated actually" was all he said as three waiters walked up to them with their meals and gave it to them, they all thanked the waiter's and started eating their meals.

They all chatted while eating, Arthur was about to say something until he glanced over to the blonde who had speck of white under his bottom lip on the left from the blonde's clam chowder soup, this gave Arthur an idea and smirked internally "Ey Jack, you got something on your lip" he said while Jack had a confused look and started patting his lip, of course he didnt get it so Arthur chuckled and placed a thumb underneath the blonde's bottom lip "Let me get it for you" the irish man soon wiped it off and licked it off his thumb and continued eating whilst the other's and Jack looked at him surprised/shocked or mad, coming from the ginger haired man, Arthur chuckled and just shrugged it off as the group continued to eat.

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