thirty seven

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// sigh don't hate me //

I don't know exactly how I ended up here, but I was at the cliff Luke took me to, and it's safe to say I'm a little too wasted. I was in one of those typical giggly moods you get in when you drink, and my mind was blocking out anything bad right now.

That was, until I sat down and started drinking more, leaving myself to think about everything that's happened the past few years, but especially everything that has happened this year alone.

Somewhere between being lost in thought and pulling out my phone, I ended up dialing Luke's number, and he surprisingly answered quite fast.

"Lukeeeey." I whined.

"Violet are you drunk? Where are you?"

"I don't know luke but god, I hate life so much did you know that." I giggled

"Babygirl, where are you?"

"At some cliff, I was thinking about jumping off it, imagine the thrill waiting to hit the bottom."

"Violet, I swear to god stand so still I'll be right there."

"No luke you can't I'm mad at you remember." I giggled again

"Violet, I love you so much you don't understand, babygirl, stay on the phone with me you're okay."

"I'm not" I whispered finally letting everything sink in

"I know, Vi, I do. But I'm gonna be right here to help you."

"I don't deserve that."

"No one deserves to have someone more than you, you deserve the world you don't get it."

"My own parents didn't even want me."

"That's their problem baby, not yours. They're missing out, please stay safe."

"Luke I need to go, I have to." I choked out

"Vi no no no I'm almost there please"

"I-I can't" I hung up

I don't know what I was planning on doing, I could barely stand up, yet alone anything else. I finished off the bottle, tossing it to the side and putting my head in my hands. I was a complete mess and before I knew it, I was crying.

No clue as to how much time had passed, but I heard a car pull up and someone run to me, then I felt the familiar pair of arms I had missed so much around me.

"Violet, you scared me so much. Baby, never ever do that again."

I had noticed a few tears slip from his eyes and even in my drunken state that ripped me apart. I never wanted to be the one to make him feel how he is in this exact moment and I can't believe that I thought for even a second, I didn't need him.

He sat with me for a while, holding me as close as possible to him, but after a while he whispered "let's go home" before guiding me to his car. I hadn't been sleeping much, and with the alcohol added to that I know I would be passed out in no time.


Luke's P.O.V.

"Ashton, you can come in." I said when I heard a knock on the door.

"You want to come out and talk?"

"No, we can talk in here. She's complete knocked out but I'm not taking my eyes off her."

"What happened, anyways? You got a phone call and I have never seen you rush out of this house quicker."

I had to collect myself before telling him everything, I knew I would be on the verge of crying again and I didn't need that.

"She, fùck, she called me and she was at that cliff I go to all the time, I took her there once. She started off okay, she was just really drunk, but she started talking about the thrill of jumping off it and my heart just dropped. It scared me so much, I never want to leave her alone again." I explained.

"Luke, has she always been......?" He was vague, but I knew what he was talking about.

"Yeah, she's been through a lot, she had a lot but I helped her to the best of my ability. She was doing so good, but I guess I was wrong." I said the last part more to myself.

"She needs you as much as you need her, don't ever give up on each other." Ashton whispered while patting my back a couple times before leaving.

I changed into more comfy clothes, lying down next to her though I knew I wasn't getting any sleep anytime soon. I was too terrified to take my sight off her. I needed to know she was okay, I couldn't do that while sleeping.

She tossed and turned a couple times before snuggling into my chest. I could never tell if she was awake or not, but I assumed she wasn't. Knowing her she probably hadn't been getting much sleep.

Before I knew it, it was morning and I was taking a very quick shower before rushing downstairs to make breakfast and get Vi pain relievers and water. I brought them up, placing them on the table before sitting next to her.

I could tell she was already partially up, so I handed her both, letting her take them before placing the water back down. I didn't know if she'd remember anything or not, usually she was good at it but something like last night was a lot more than just your regular drunken night.

"Vi, do you-"

"Yes Luke, I remember." She sighed, sounding like she wanted to cry.

"We don't have to talk about it right now, breakfast is downstairs, come on." I whispered, grabbing her hand and guiding her down.

We had a quiet breakfast that just consisted of a few glances here and there. I didn't want to pester her into talking about anything if she wasn't ready but I wanted to know what was going through her mind last night,

"One moment." I said as my phone started ringing.


"I'm so worried, Violet left last night and hasn't been back yet and won't answer any of my texts or calls." Michael ranted.

"She's here." I spoke quietly.

"Really? What happened?"

"Uh-" I started but looked over to Violet and stopped.

"Long story, we can talk about it later."

"That goes for you too." I said to Violet once Michael and I hung up.


"We have a lot to talk about, later."


I hate switching POV in the middle but it needed to be done...

uh... I don't really have much to say about this

looking forward to your comments (also anyone that is good at covers pls message me!!)

(another also, this is ending like really soon then I have a very important authors note and an epilogue (:)

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