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Once it was lunchtime I made my usual way to the courtyard, making sure no one was there. I actually enjoyed this time because I got to sit outside alone, in the quiet and just draw. It was calming, something I looked forward to but of course, I had spoke too soon. (a.n. I'm laughing bc of that saying since she doesn't speak lol ok ignore me)

Luke was walking over, leaving me confused still as to how he even knew I came out here in the first place. I was starting to get creeped out but I somewhat enjoyed his company I suppose. Not in the "I need you I'm glad we're friends" kind of way, he was good looking and I guess it was just nice to have someone next to me, not that I planned on talking.

He put down a notebook with a pen attached to it in front of me, making me look up at him confused. That's all Luke seemed to do, was confuse me but I figured he would explain soon once he saw the questioning look I was giving him.

"Since you don't want to talk, and I have questions, you can write what you want to say in it."

I grabbed the notebook, looking at it before taking the pen off and opening it to the first page. "Absolutely not." I wrote, handing it back to him. He chuckled at first but then asked why, handing it back to me. "Because that means you'd get to know me and that's one reason I don't talk."

"C'mon Violet, you have to have some questions for me too, right? And you're going to tutor me soon. We have to figure something out. Just give it a try, if you don't like it then we'll stop." He explained as I grabbed the notebook back from him.

I can't believe I was actually agreeing to do this but we did have to figure something out since I was being forced to tutor him and I would do anything to speed up that process. It would be annoying to have to write down everything but it's better than talking as of right now.

I don't even know why I cared so much, maybe I was scared if I talked to Luke that he'd tell other people and then people would expect me to talk, which I didn't want so as of right now this will have to do.

He was naming off some basic questions, age, favorite color, the typical stuff. I was reluctantly answering as best as I could and when the lunch period was up he reminded me to keep it with me for when he's around before smiling at me and bidding our goodbyes.


The next few days went by rather quickly, the same routine going on except Luke made his way into that routine. He walked with me every morning, and came out with me lunch period every day. I give the kid props for being so persistent even though I wasn't talking but I still wasn't sure as to why he was so interesting with me.

We'd learned a lot about each other, not something I planned on happening but it did and I realized we had many similar interests. It surprised me to an extent but I liked that we had things in common, not that we were friends but it made me not like him a little less.

"Mom, can I have money to go get some new art supplies?" I asked quietly.

"Sure, and here's some extra in case you want to buy some clothes or something." She said, handing me way too much money making me roll my eyes. She's always had a problem trying to buy my love.

I grabbed my keys and hesitantly got into my car. I didn't drive often, simply because I didn't need to. I didn't have many places to go and I enjoyed walking to school. I didn't enjoy going to the mall very much, in fear of seeing people from school but I needed to go so I had no choice, it was a Friday evening and I was hoping it wouldn't be as busy as usual.

Once I had grabbed everything I needed I went back to my car, not wanting to tote everything around. I realized I hadn't eaten anything except a few pieces of fruit in the past few days so I figured I would grab a small salad or something from the food court. It was crowded, instantly stirring up my anxiety but I pushed it to the side not wanting to think about.

"Oh my god, Violet, hey!" Is he everyone I go?

I turned around to be met with the familiar blue eyes, surprising he didn't have anyone with him. It was a Friday night and I assumed this is the type of place teenagers hangout on the weekend but what would I know?

"Are you going to the food court?" I nodded.

"Alright c'mon." shit, no, no, no.

I just planned on grabbing something small and eating outside, I don't like eating in general, yet alone in front of large groups of people. I tried not to think about it and followed closely behind Luke, still amazed but how much we bumped into each other all of a sudden. I guess it's because he finally knows who I am, I noticed him before, he just didn't know me.

"What do you want?" He asked, thankfully at one of my favorite spots.

Normally in situations like this, I would talk. Telling the cashier what I wanted but I wasn't quite ready to talk to Luke so I just held up the number of what I wanted from the menu. 7 being the apple salad, it was one of my favorite things ever and if we were under different circumstances I could honestly live off of it, eating multiple a day but obviously I'm not going to do that.

Luke went to pay for mine and I grabbed his wrist, instantly pulling away at my bold move but started pulling out my money, he shook his head repeating a "no" and continued to hand the lady his money. I pouted, hating that he had payed for me but it was too late now.

He thankfully let me pick out where we sat, which of course was all the way in the back corner away from everyone. Times like this I wanted to talk, make up an excuse to him so I could leave but I just couldn't get myself to do it so I sat down, and started to eat. After a few bites I stopped, realizing Luke was looking at me and I felt self conscious so I put down my fork and just looked at my lap for a minute until he focused his gaze else where.

He was rambling on about different things and it was cute, the way he could talk for hours about anything and the way his eyes lit up when he brought something he genuinely loved into the conversation. He'd scrunch up his nose every so often when he'd say something that disgusted him, and why was I paying attention to all of this? I guess since I had nothing better to do.

"You love all time low?! So do I!" I said, and a little too loud before sulking in my chair. What had I just done?


hahaA you had to talk eventually Violet

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